>.> Hide! Quick!
Butterfly of dewm
Super Nerd! Spreading nerdyness since 2001! [/RANDOM]
QFT xDDD. Death Note pwns Blech.
I kinda wish I lived in your neighborhood. =3 Nothing EVAR(spelled wrong on purpose) happens where I live. Evar. It's getting very boring Dx Exept the other day when I was walking home at 10:45 PM and some weird guy was like, "Come here...." in a really creepy voice as I passed thier house. But I already told that story on here. I ran the rest of the way home.
The story isn't that creepy, but there's something... Intimidating, i guess, about that pic... I can't keep looking at it for more than 10 seconds. it's wierd. The first time I saw it, I swear I could see the changes within the first two seconds. EDIT: Actually, now that I look again, I can't really notice any changes. I had the video paused, so I think it may be the video making the changes. If you look closely, her facial expression is sort of like a sneer.(I had it paused at 2:28)
That's the strangest theory I've heard... xD KH=Matrix?
...xD I'm guessing getting hit by a car is rather common where you live? Are you alright?
Time to Dance in your pants >.>... xD "Time to Dance" by Panic! at the Disco
I wish the June one were cooler xD it's my b-day month.
Lmao! xD Happy Thanksgiving!
OMG xD Thanks for the info. Omg, I just got an idea for a story... *Rushes off*
No! Stop! Seriously. >.> You can't be good at that game AND have a life. I just isn't possible. I know cause my brothers were both obsessed with it. And even when you get to a high level -which takes a few months- it takes about three more months for anyone to let you raid with them. So that's like $45 down the friggin' drain. a waste of money in my opinion. $15 dollars a month to not have a life! =D
I was on my way home from walking my friend home at 10:45P.M. (I had something to defend myself with), and some guy from this house where I know a 12 yr. old and a 14 yr. old live was like "Come here..." in a really creepy voice as I passed their house. I said, "How about no" and started running away and was almost at my house (which is like five-six houses down from that house) when he said, "Come here and play..." Scared the hell outta me :/ Do you think I did the right thing? Next time I walk someone home at night I'll make my brother go with me so I won't be alone when I come back.
>.>.... *facepalms* Seriously, if someone want's to read this, they can go to the thread and read it. (I bet it took you all night to think of this...)
OOC: Why are there even summons? lmao. I only used Chicken little that one time 'cause I was bored.
Am I the only one who doesn't like Zelda games? ;o.o
OOC- meh ish too... I just beat Kingdom Hearts II on Proud mode with only teh mighteh Kingdom Key. =D Jiminy's Journal- 85%. that's better than I've ever done, lmao. But I forgot to finish Atlantica, so no secret ending x.x. (LMAO: Most used summon: Chicken Little - 1)
OOC: No, I haven't replied yet. xD sorry, KH-Vids hasn't been letting me on. Daxma and Xert, GTFO out of the thread nowz plz. I can't think of anything right now x.x