OOC: ...>_> Yeah. And then there was that shooting at the school... It almost makes me feel lucky I don't go to High School. lmao, what happens in Vegas does not necessarily stay in Vegas.
OOC: Lawl, yeah. *Off Topic zomg!* I can't wait for Christmas, there are already tons of presents under the tree! And there's this one that's really small, and it's from my sis, so I really want to know what it is! xDDD
I really haven't thought of that >_> I know it seems like I forgot about her, but I didn't lmao. xD
OOC: Orly? I'm in Nevada.
OMG XDDD. Hilarious! Write more plz =3.
OOC: Yeah... >.>
OOC: 'cause I added her as a friend on MySpace =3.
OOC: You mean the photo? It's already on MySpace, anyone can see it. But if you mean the link, I could take it off.
OOC: Hello =3. ... xD If you really want to know what I look like... It's all FireKeyblade's fault the I took the link down. Blame her D<. j/k xD Pm me and I'll show you lmao.
OOC: Your amazing posts are distracting me D< I had an idea, but then I thought it was stupid and couldn't think of a new one. IC(ZOMG!): "Something I need to ask you. As we all know, our fire wielder happened to lose her memory and wander into your castle just a few days before Axel died. What are you planning to do with her? Is she going to... replace him?" He wouldn't let Xangel replace Axel in the enemy's organization, and if that's what they were planning to do, he'd have to get Xangel back before they were able to. OOC: omg, I just got an even better idea. Oh...Sh!t. I went on MySpace and it says I've been phished. Great.
OOC: That. was. SWEEEEEEEEEETTTT. Sorry for the spam, had to. O.O Chula-Claire knows what I look like! >_> Anyways, I'm going to try to reply now, I just need to find my other post.
lmao xD. I used to use cheats on my Pokemon games. Too lazy to find the darn Thunder Stone lmao. If I used cheats on KH, it'd only be for fun.
Three of this thread already exist. =3 And I can't think of one for my name.
Aww, I came here expecting to see a hilariously out-of-character fanfic. You disappoint me. j/k xD Can't wait to read!
xDDD <fillerz>
Total pwnage.
QFT This thread has
Oh hell no >.>
Krad and Satoshi?
...But then all the n00bs would be Prem D=