OOC: I didn't get as much candy as I thought I would, either, xD. I just finished. I would have been out a little longer, but my friends dad wouldn't let her stay out past 9. I;m 'onna take a shower and get the spray out of my hair, and then I'm 'onna watch Nightmare Before Christmas. =D And tomorrow's a school day... XD
wtf? xD (fillers)
OOC: LMAO, an Iris = A type of flower. I'm 'onna go get ready for Halloween now. =P
OOC: Nuuuu! They know I'm here! >.> <.< *Hides*
Well hai thar! ... How come I'm not on the list?
This family can't die! So.... What's up?
D= I demand you let me join. ... j/k. Can I join?
OOC: Of course Axel is going to be fine, there's an obsessive fangirl roleplaying him. =P
"My name's Xin," she told the new member. "Telekinesis is my ability." Noticing Abexecca's coat dragging on the floor, she asked, "Hey, do you want me to find you a smaller coat?"
psht ivenownabotthat4alongtimeandujustfoundit
...lulz (fillerz)
nowaiihatpinkandyshood ihelpu
no wai u cnt hak 4 crp.
omfg u cant banmegoaway
nu tha cnt b i made mi avvater in photoshp.
yawhat evr none cars. iam a utramega haxor i pwnu nubs