Search Results

  1. Darkcloud
  2. Darkcloud
  3. Darkcloud
    Profile Post

    How's that?

    How's that?
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Catch the Rain, May 3, 2010
  4. Darkcloud
    Profile Post

    xD ....fliberdigibit.

    xD ....fliberdigibit.
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Catch the Rain, May 3, 2010
  5. Darkcloud
  6. Darkcloud
    Kamen Rider Highwind.
    Post by: Darkcloud, May 3, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Darkcloud
    Profile Post

    Lies, I say!

    Lies, I say!
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Pure Beats~, May 3, 2010
  8. Darkcloud
  9. Darkcloud
  10. Darkcloud
  11. Darkcloud
  12. Darkcloud
  13. Darkcloud
  14. Darkcloud
  15. Darkcloud

    Right, so

    Tsk, tsk, tsk, you should've let it charge longer...
    Post by: Darkcloud, May 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Darkcloud
  17. Darkcloud
    For once, we're in agreement.
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Magick, May 1, 2010
  18. Darkcloud
  19. Darkcloud
    How did you break said arm?
    Post by: Darkcloud, Apr 30, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Darkcloud
    She just texted me on Monday, saying we needed to talk, I came, and she said she thought it would be better if we weren't dating anymore. She thought we were too different, with our views and how we lived, and she was feeling uncomfortable about, and thought it wouldn't work right now. We're still friends, but it doesn't look like it'll work out right now.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Apr 30, 2010 in forum: Forum Families