And, with that, the magic is lost.
lol, sorry, I keep forgetting that you're new around here. No, they aren't bad; I just tend to have unusual reactions toward things (ie, O_o;....the ketchup is evil...we're not safe...). :B|: Yes, we'd greatly appreciate it if we were referred to as a boy, thank you. Meh, I wouldn't worry about it. Unless you type for 10 straight lines, it's not bad. If it is a problem, post a link and we'll give you advice...just don't tell people to stick their tongues in an outlet, and you'll be fine (let me tell you, I'm not doing that ever again).
...I'm not sure if that adds to or decreases the magic of the situation.
Bear in mind that...ah, who am I kidding? I got nothing for that xD. My point is, it's getting easier to 'not think' about her; the problem at...
The fact that this is so well thought out, yet makes sense, amazes me.
Bear in mind this message was over a week ago.
O_o...I've never been more terrified of comics in all my life...
I'm just tired of all the stupid drama that's being put at my feet by her; she refused to tell me by way other than her 'subtle' methods, like I've asked her, and is just intent on doing things her way.
We've been arguing for awhile, now. She keeps using 'subtlty' that I can't pick up, despite my telling her this. I don't care anymore. If she doesn't want to talk to me anymore, that's her problem, not mine. Hallo! ^^
For me, it's drawing, trying to find a job, getting back into shape, possibly going somewhere for a trip, birthday in a month, trying to not think...
:crybaby: My ex and I had another fight, and we currently aren't speaking to each other. Oh joy. :rollseyes:
*follows suit* :crybaby:
Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! RUN! D8
Idk, jobs, hobbies, trips, just whatever, or do you plan on just staying in bed and sleeping the summer away?
lol, 'Will you be my frieeeeeeeeeennnnnd?'
Idk, the first one, the one with the Ghost King, had a lot more twists and turns; you couldn't tell how it was going to end, unlike later movies, where it got really obvious after the first 15 minutes.
I agree. Another one of the mods has to change his name to 'Tucker Foley' for it to be a fad, and his usertitle must read, 'That's 'TF' as in 'Too Fine for you'.
"Wait a minute, those two go together, and I STILL don't have a date to the dance?!"