Ah...fun stuff, this rp world.
Very well. In that case, care to elaborate on the said drama?
Ah, I see. Exactly, how far does godmodding go? I mean, I hear about it occasionally, but I don't think I've ever actually seen it; is it making your character omnipotent, or are we talking taking control of other people's characters?
lol, yeah, that's why I don't get involved that much in the forum anymore. Do you want to talk more about it, here or pm?
I'm sorry, I'm a little confused. Exactly, what's going on here, and does it concern/involve all of us?
How are you?
I'm a little bit better, thanks.
I thought for sure this was going to be a twilight referrence. To that end, I was going to agree with you, saying that those werewolves make the best and most handsome throwrugs.
Oh mai oh dear. Dx That's really all any of us can do, actually. ;) ...sis, you amaze me, sometimes. See, my questions for you would be: 1. What does that matter, considering the subject? 2. Why do you sound as if you want to look at said butt?
...So do I.
Sheldon: "I am not crazy. My mother had me tested." I think the best episode thus far was when Sheldon was getting on everyone's nerves, trying to get them to drive him everywhere since he couldn't (he's in his 30's, btw), and they forced him to get a driver's permit. After getting it, they put him in this advanced simulator so he could practice driving...he would up everywhere, from the park to the second floor of a mall, and eventually he gave up, saying he was 'too evolved to learn how to drive'. He believes he is the next stage of human evolution, a 'homo novus'. .-.
...I'm trying to get over my ex and it's proving to be difficult.
I'd like to see you back that up. Exactly, how new are you? You seem more than just 'joining the site' new.
Just having a bad week.
I'm okay, I guess. Just trying to survive.
I joined in Dec. '06, but I've checked out the site since '05. Not a problem.
...hey. How are you?
True, althouh, this site wasn't nearly that bad in the past; it used to be quite pleasant, in comparison to today... :B|: I'll have you know I farted on people for less. I'm not saying it is, just saying how random I can be. In any case, don't take what they say to heart. Happy bday!
I don't know how to explain this, but...it's mainly the process of making the picture. I remember all the time we spent together, the good, the...
I'm trying. What I really want to get done is this drawing of her; just something that I can finally get some closure and accept that it's...