Yup. The only time I ever accept stupidity is for comedic purposes (and that's a very rare exception).
That's usually my plan, lol.
Yeah, I've made sure to stay away from that...*shudders*
Mmm, I hate Memorial Day traffic. >_<
Cool. That seems to be popping up more and more. Looks like it'll be awhile before I'm able to come back; comp's being funky, and I don't know...
So, what're you hoping to be, assuming you go to college? I'll be back later.
Hmm, well, I was close; at least you work.
At least you have a chance of making money. I'm currently looking for a job. My day's going to consist of mild exercise, and getting some...
Bummer. It's always fun when one's loopy. xD What're your plans for today?
Tired; woke up, washed dishes, did laundery, and ready for lunch. You?
Good morning.
That's a relief. I'm sorry, but I need to go and get some sleep. Tty tomorrow, 'kay? Take care.
I'm sore. Anything serious?
Oh, okay. You might want to get some rest, then. How've you been, btw? I know you said things were cancelled, but you never told me how you were...
Is this your way of saying you don't want me to use sarcasm? xD
It's funny to see the reactions of people from Washington who come to visit Oklahoma; they get to see their storms come from miles away to the point where it rains where they're at. Here, the storms come from out of nowhere and leave just as quickly: It brings the funniest looks on their faces. 8D
Oh, just a bit. xD
Ta ta......................
Hmm...yeah, that's not where I live...mine's Oklahoma. xP