Search Results

  1. Darkcloud
  2. Darkcloud
    When Kairi went to the cave, I kept going 'okay and those two come back!!!!!', until the credits rolled.



    ; ;
    Post by: Darkcloud, May 31, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Darkcloud
  4. Darkcloud
    What I do is this: I play through the gym battles and such (that is, before you face the Elite Four) with the starters of that region (Johto=Johto starters). After I beat the Elite Four, I mix it up: Use whatever pokemon from any of the other regions except Johto (Charizard, Sceptile, Empoleon, Manectric, Dragonite, Spiritomb). Makes it more interesting.
    Post by: Darkcloud, May 31, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Darkcloud
  6. Darkcloud
  7. Darkcloud
  8. Darkcloud
    Well, at least nobody looks worse than me. xP
    Post by: Darkcloud, May 31, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Darkcloud
  10. Darkcloud
    Profile Post

    Ah, okie doke. :3

    Ah, okie doke. :3
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for myoblivion, May 31, 2010
  11. Darkcloud
  12. Darkcloud
    I'll take your word for it.
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Tifa L., May 31, 2010
  13. Darkcloud
    You've done this before, I see.
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Tifa L., May 31, 2010
  14. Darkcloud
  15. Darkcloud
  16. Darkcloud
  17. Darkcloud
  18. Darkcloud
    Profile Post

    What'd you do?

    What'd you do?
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Tifa L., May 31, 2010
  19. Darkcloud
  20. Darkcloud