Hey, I get my kicks on Route 66, just like everyone else. xD
When Kairi went to the cave, I kept going 'okay and those two come back in...now!...now!....now!!!', until the credits rolled. ... ... ; ;
Finish the various video games I haven't finished yet. Sadly, TWEWY is at the top of the list, and I've had it for a couple of years.
What I do is this: I play through the gym battles and such (that is, before you face the Elite Four) with the starters of that region (Johto=Johto starters). After I beat the Elite Four, I mix it up: Use whatever pokemon from any of the other regions except Johto (Charizard, Sceptile, Empoleon, Manectric, Dragonite, Spiritomb). Makes it more interesting.
Too many other things keep popping up; I also need to work on my video game data, and such. :3
Random phrase for the day: FIRE THE CLAM CANNON!
Yeah, I dealt with mine the first week of May. Glad that's done. Now if only I could get back to my drawing...
Well, at least nobody looks worse than me. xP
I ended up fishing cannibal poliwogs out of our pool, walked into a door when I got up this morning (my brother thought someone was knocking on...
Ah, okie doke. :3
Yeah. I was also going into a 'Phineas and Ferb' moment. :3
I'll take your word for it.
You've done this before, I see.
We had fun...the guy, not so much.
Yeah, mine kinda backfired; the phone books were supposed to collapse in on the guy when he opened his door, but we built the thing too sturdy and...
I barracaded a person's door with phone books, so he wouldn't leave his room.
Huh...yeah, I'd say that's worth revenge...interesting, compared to what I've pulled.
What'd you do?
Oh yeah. Good ol' time today. How's it going with you?
Even better: Today's my workout day.