same here!
"hey guys, do you want cookies? i baked some." she asked the two (OOC: i feel oop)
pat is listening to the two
"okay", pat said to mindy. she took a seat she's givin a dirty look to david now that's somethin new! (OOC: LOL!)
"hey guys, what's up?", pat said to mindy and david (OOC: nobody knew i fainted!! :D)
(ooc: i saw my name on the list! yay!) (ooc2: can u please fill me in?)
(OOC: but twi... i'm not on the list, would that be wrong?)
(ooc: why am i still not on the list?)
you wifey ditched you?? that's so sad! lolz!! she'll come back, sooner or later. maybe she ran off w/ somebody else?!?!?! gasp! (jk!) oops! me g2g to sleep now! bye!
okei! wat tym is it there?
christhor's_dead_brother ure now added!!! OMG!!! ONLY 1 CONTESTANT SLOT TO GO!!!!!
twi, y didn't rufus join this rp?
i got another 1 Nobody Larxene: Namine loves roxas Axel:Oh, for crying out loud! that's not even true!! Larxene: But, that's what Xemnas says! Axel: OMG, Larxene! u don't even know the truth! Larxene Do i? what is the truth? Axel: Y doesn't anyone know that roxas loves me!!! Larxene: You poor little homo....
Big Brother is Rena88's bro!
LOL!! i know!! that's why 12 housemates are final!!
nice opinion, twi.
i was just wondering.... do u think that sora and kairi knew roxas and namine existed?
Sorax, you are so unfair! lolz!
*adds 2Foxxie4U and Gharanth to buddy list* there, are u guys happy now?
an advice: follow your heart until the end of time.