*releases penguins from happy feet!* everybody, dance!!!!!!!
"oh.... hey mindy, u still didn't anser mw question. who is it?" pat asked mndy (ooc: y are rps so slow at this time of year?)
"electric guitar", pat said to david
hey there velocity! post more, spam less and have fun!
"who? who?" pat asked mindy
"hey guys, do u want to start a band?", pat asked the two
me too, i like ninja turtles!
"yeah..", pat said to mindy (ooc: my dad brought me a nokia n73 as a gift)
no! not ninja squirrels! *relases ninja turtles*
"i'm not gonna tell cause mindy didn't tell hers!", pat said to david
flying monkeys? now, i've seen everythin! *summons shiva*
"okay i'll stop now!", pat said and she turned to david, "david, who is ur crush?", she said to him
ahh!! llama stampede!! ow! stop poking me twi! *throws baseballs at everyone*
"i know! my face will turn red too! maybe david is ure crush?", pat said to mindy ooc: i'm bored
remember rena: Big Brother is watching you.....
"oh, then why is ure face turning red?", pat asked mindy (OOC: where is rufus anyway?)
i guess everyone is just busy that's all!
"oops, sorry! here you go david!" pat gives some cookies to david (OOC: twi, if ure wifey was here dhe will be mad cus ure hittin on rena! xD)
good thing our finals were over since yesterday!
(OOC: lol) "here you go, mindy!", pat gives some cookies to mindy. "hey mindy, i was just wonderin', who was your crush last year?" (OOC: if rufus was here....)