sephiroth has a pattern of attacks. memorize his every move, block his attacks or attack him once u memorized it. i hope this helps!
that's bad luck, twi!! everyone has an opinion it. Gothic is a way of expressing their emotion in a dark way..............
okei, dark roxas ure in! need more customers!
Calling all dudes, dudettes and, especially, insomiancs!!!! Hey, y'all!! Welcome to The KH-Vids Night Club (KHVNC)!!!!!! This is a place where u can mingle w/other members! You can buy ur peeps a drink, PARTY all night long, etc.....!!!!!!!!!! Everyone is invited!!!!!!!!!!! 2 RULES: no fighting! have fun!!! You can join in as urself or as kh characters! its ur choice!!! just post ur name and status!! once u post these things u r automatically in!: Name: Status: regular visitor or favorite customer parts: dance floor bar (serving all kinds of drinks) billiards table lounge jacuzzi bathroom - 1 for d gals and 1 for d guys Karaoke machine (idea by anime) 20 Fave Customers: Dark Roxas Namine - jacquelinenguyen1067541 Dimetrix XxAxelEightxX Foxxie Anniexo Axel twi Anime Zippeh cloudfinalfantasy Sora -keybearer11 Regular Customers: Auron- XIII Blades Xetir the False Image
yesh! but how can we make this place livelier??
okya! whta aer yuo doign todya, anneixo?
-I've heard a lot of girls going anorexic and bulimic but i keep telling myself this question: What is Anorexia and Bulimia?
HTML: lolz c'mon guys! keep postin ur crushes!!!!!
OOC: can someone fill me in?
yup! i can read it!
"yah, what david said", pat said to mindy. "so... david, who is you're crush?", she asked him (ooc: i was gone 4 1hr and this happened?)
"oh....", pat said to david. "david, i'm sorry that i brought this question up!", she whispered in his ear (OOC: it's lunch timeish here! so i g2g eat lunch now! c ya later guys!)
"who? stephen or david?", pat asked mindy
"me too, i'm happy for you too!", pat said to mindy. "an ice cream date?", she said to david
1228 y is everyone so bored?
"hello..... anyone here besides me?", pat said to the two. silence.... always means something ooc: it's just a last minute edit XD
"is he nice, cute, smart or anything...?", pat asked mindy. looks like david got some competition..
50% -Pilipino 5%- Chinese 5%- Indian 40%- nice and funny!
(ooc: lol) "c'mon, mindy! say it! say it!", pat said."why is david so curious???