*grabs DR's hand and pulled him* ure safe *puts out a handgun and kills the two guards*
lolz! no!! don't take my soulmate away from me!!!!!!! *punches a guard* Let DR go!!!! u son-of-a-*****!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my soulmate!
I do, till death do us part!
since when are we monkeys?? lolz
"roxas, i see cloud over there!, she pointed at the direction of the cave.
"okay", namine said to Roxas. She stayed as close as she can to him. ooc: okay! and i'll just be here!
ahhh! sora is cute!
come on vin!
(ooc: lmao!! XD) "Okay!", namine said to him. "Cloud, Cloud, where are u??", she said. She saw a neoshadow coming their way. "OMG!!! Roxas!", she yelled. the neoshadow attacked her "ahhh!!".
nothin i just want to add somebody to the list
"you have a hover board?", she asked him
"come on!", namine grabbed roxas by the hand and went outside. They looked at the ruins first
(ooc: yesh! did any1 notice there r many members but little posters)
can u add a coinbearer?
"i dunno where cloud is.", namine said to roxas. after 10 seconds of silence, she kissed him on the lips. "thanks for the kiss!', she said (ooc: who sez love has to be slow?)
(OOC: so true, so true!!)
Wow!!! they say sephiroth is alot harder at the proud mode! i didn't try it yet!!
After the receiving the kiss namine's face turned red. "wait, Roxas i thought u loved axel?", she asked him
okay! DR lets do wat twi sez