1130- maybe it will tie your pretzel...... O.o
(ooc: do we really need to fill that out hahannuh?) pat is still watching the two. hmm......i wonder....... when will this class be over? mindy and david are best friends since childhood, maybe they r meant to be...... she looked at her geometry worksheet so many equations..... getting dizzy...... she immediately faints. (ooc2: multitasking rules!)
1128- maybe it will tie your shoelace!
1126 -music will tie...... (what will it tie?)
okei rena, ure added. still looking for 10 contestants!!!! pls encourage anyone who is willing to join to sign up! :) tnx for the comment for the rooms, hahannuh!!!
1107- wow... that long, huh. btw, i added u in my rp
1105- how long till its 1,000,000???
1103- oooh i want pringles! does anyone want cookies?
1100- yay i own the 1100th post!
simple and clean, sanctuary and..... roxas's theme too!
okei ure all added!! i changed the no. of contestants to 15!! only 11 more contestants and we're all set!!! oh and i've posted the rooms of the house!! (see 1st post!)
"they make a cute couple!!! i wonder when will they start dating???", pat said to herself while listening to david and mindy "hey guys can i join in ure prank?? i'm bored so i've got nothin else to do!!", she said to the two. (OOC: its true!! you two make a great couple!!! too bad twi's married to rufus!! lol!! :D)