As a Vietnamese person, I was quite intrigued by this video wondering what the translated text says. Unfortunately, I'm not fluent enough in the language to be able to translate this. So anyone?
Whoa, very interesting. My battle style is only for one-on-one.
Dude...Sora has never looked better. ^_^
Hey, I remember you! Welcome back... might want to take a look for a few famous members.
A - All M - My V -....uh...
I believe it was only in the character designing to give him the X scar because all the Organization members had X's in their names. Or it is to represent his cruel nature.
My MOM makes you feel sexy... >_> Okay, maybe that wasn't the best comeback.
You made Sora take off the makeup.
Not after seeing that. Thanks alot. >_>
You need either 100 reputation or 1000 posts.
Congratulations. You will be one of us...soon.
I have a stuffed penguin behind me.
What happened last night? I didn't get on last night.
I would give you a big warm hug, but I'm not like that. Or am I?
Congratulations in advance! Yay!
I'll be cheering for you to get to 1000 posts.
It's a long story. Anyways, your dead body doesn't matter. You're still here on the forums in spirit...or in typing.
I hope you mean not mentally ******ed. >_>
You're still with me in spirit. Just to let you know.
Above the Rising Falls OC Remix - sephfire