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  1. Anderson
    It sickens me how the majority of this forum sees emos as if they're a bad thing. You are not one to make fun of someone being emo since you're not any better yourself.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Anderson
    You are disturbing, HB. >_>
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Anderson

    I fail

    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Anderson

    I fail

    My friend wore a pink skirt on the last day of school...

    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Anderson
    Nice ASCII art.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Anderson

    I fail

    Just because Xaldin wants to help out people, even in the slightest way, by giving them drinks makes him insane?

    My sense of being apparently contradicts yours. >_>
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Anderson

    I fail

    I was being sarcastic. -_-
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Anderson

    I fail

    That's alot of quarters.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Anderson

    I fail

    A soda machine? XD
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Anderson
    "How to get girls" *****slap you upside the face. xD
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Anderson


    Don't worry, glass works better.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Anderson
    GAWD, I love this one. Especially the dark and light combination. It makes the tag look so mysterious.

    I would move the lighting just a bit to the right so a little more of the person shows.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 9, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Anderson


    Fill a transparent cup with water and bring it into your room and stare at it. It's quite time-consuming.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Anderson
    I actually know 5 languages, but I'm not very fluent in them.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Anderson
    Let's see yeah.


    As a shortcut, make sure you have Ethers and Potions, Elixirs if possible. Another shortcut should be Reflect unless you have Aerial Dodge. Now, an easy way to start off is to use Goofy's Knocksmash Limit to get rid of a chunk of HP. Next, go up next to Xaldin, but keep about a little distance. When the Learn RC comes up, immediately, on the moment it comes up, guard. Then press Triangle as rapidly as possible to get a few Jumps and use them. Repeat and yadda. If Xaldin brings out a slow wind orb thing or whatever it is, just guard it. Soon, Xaldin should disappear, jumping extremely high in the air. Now you run, and at the right time, you jump, recommended having High Jump LV1, and get some Jumps. This should repeat for sometime. About when Xaldin has 2-3 life bars left, he'll do that barrage of lance attacks that make him invincible, yadda yadda. Guard that. During the that time, keep your distance from Xaldin from now on. Once he finishes that attack, if you survive, he'll get on his dragon saying "Sora!" then he'll do that attack where he says "Beware the face of despair" or something like that. During the time he is preparing the attack, stand still, and heal your MP if you need to. Reflect the wind attack when it is about to pass you. Now, he'll reappear on the battle field. Guard, no matter what, because he'll either just teleport around you or do that barrage of attacks again. If he teleports like he's having epileptic seizure, you can do a Learn RC, if you can guard at the right time. The recommended keyblade that should be used is the Circle of Life for its MP Haste.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Anderson
    English and Vietnamese.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Anderson
    I'm bilingual.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Anderson
    You can always go to Planet Renders for some renders or you can PM me or something.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 9, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Anderson
    Well for one thing, the stock is on one side, while the effect is on another...^^;

    This is your first signature, so try looking up tutorials and stuff and you'll learn. You can always request for a stock to be rendered.
    Post by: Anderson, Jul 9, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Anderson
    That was utterly useless...and in the Anything Else section...

    Post by: Anderson, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: Discussion