Great idea. Then we're equal!
I hate that commercial, lol.
Hey.... Marluxia want's his pajamas back. UGLY. WTF is that?
Dude, that was Xemnas coming to get you!
The guy in my avatar is hawter. >:3
Good day for you! ^_^ Hope he baked a cake with A LOT of icing.
Huh? What do you mean a trap? He's cool!!! Another hot picture, I like him MUCH better that way, and is this another trap, too?
It kind of confused me because I thought it would be something about AM/PM missing FM. I wonder who else will post.
She has a very nice singing voice.... much better than Green Day screaming in my ears.
Of course we're all KH fans. That's what this website is about.
Nope. I don't hate you.
No kidding. XD I still have to defeat Nero II, he was a piss.
Well, I can understand a small business letting people pay in foreign currencies, but as stated above, salaries should be paid in dollars, not foreign currency. I think the foreigners should get used to American money, because they are in America, not Mexico.
A friend told me his Xbox 360 burnt out. Good thing I didn't buy one.
My grandmother lets me close the door, but my parents absolutely forbid of me closing my bedroom door. I don't know why, they act like I'm doing something in there.
O-M-G!!!! MICE KRISPRIES! (Comes with packet of rabies)
The best part of waking up... is your dog on his butt.
Not you - the guy who started this thread.
Well, when the next thunderstorm comes to the area... I'll tell you. (BEWARE - California thunderstorms from the desert may have hail, rain, and large thunderbolts.) Is it th Year-of-Boredom or something, because everyone is saying they're bored. I'm not, I've got two birds and we're having a nice conversation.
How come newbie's like to post weird things like this?