You know those crazy captions like "Got Milk?". Well, I decided to make a thread about that. The rules: you have to think of some captions (i.e., Got Sora?) and put them in your post. It's just for fun, but nothing nasty, okay? Have fun!!! My captions: Got Dog? Got Food? Got Cloud? Got BLEACH? Got Nothing? Now you try.
Because they're pretty. ;3
Sucks. I can't do it because I'm under 13. I hate online tests! *Pouts*
Where's the website? It sounds interesting.
Where's the fast forward button? I want it!
Mine is a secret...teehee. >:3
Like you said. Before she goes and buys her children violent games, why doesn't she look to see what the ratings are first. What do people think games are? Mario?
My dog has tick problems from lying in dirt. If you have pets that come in the house they might have ticks on them, because ticks do travel from one body to another if you were in close range to your pets. I don't know how else the tick could have gotten inside...unless it was a GHOST TICK.
I second that.
It's like the annoying chain letters they put on videos. I keep seeing this one about you're going to die if you don't send that video to five other channels.
I haven't joined YouTube yet, but I have had people texting me about being their boyfriend, and I've had repeatedly annoying calls from people I don't know.
Read book. Or play with my birds. Simple as that.
No, never. I don't really have any friends, and my parents don't mind - but my bird's scream at the Television whenever I play it. LOL.
You can probably buy the DVD's at Best Buy or Fry's or an anime shop, and if you're looking for the American Angel Sanctuary manga your best choice is Borders. The Japanese manga would probably have to be imported or you must go to a Japanese bookstore - like I did.
That ought to hurt. XD
What are the points in these threads? At least have some point to these threads...
The title is misleading. A mod/admin could have thought it was something inappropriate.
I'VE WARNED YOU!!!!! Mind me, I'm not a yaoi fan but I have to admit, this is FUNNY.
DANG THEM! They stole my cousin's hairspray! >:O
BTW.... I dropped your cake.