I think you mean the lightning. You hear the thunder. :) LOL, I'm such a grammer freak!
I hope that's a good thing.
Maybe they got banned?
Makes delicious ice-cream that is all natural, and has REAL fruit in it. I love their strawberry ice cream, because it has real STRAWBERRIES in it, not red dye #40. Now, Breyer's Ice Cream, if you want people to love your ice cream too, take some advice from Haagan-Daz and put REAL stuff in it!! (Beware, H-D has A LOT of fat in it, so if you're on a diet eat the low-fat and frozen yogurt they have).
I didn't know people actually remembered me...I really wasn't out and about like some members...was I? LOL, I'm confused. How many people know me? O_O
Thank you! ^^
OMG, they said Saix's body was H-O-T. Now can they get anymore obssessed fangirl than that? To call a video game character's body HOT? Gosh, that is really weird. Whoever made this must be a total ****** because I don't personally find Saix hot, I just find him D-E-A-D-L-Y in the case of his very sharp weapon. And 'sunflower'? I didn't even understand that!
Well, no. Because some children are not like some others. Some children have the brains and the logic to choose which and which, but on the occasion where there is a child who only goes by what someone else says (i.e., such-and-such said President Bush is the best so such-and-such who thinks they're cool goes and votes President Bush), then voting would not be a good idea. I know that if you're influenced by a friend/family member you'll do what they say, because you look up to them.
Where do you live? I'm in a semi-desert community in Southern California, so I've seen plenty.
Personally I like them...I get all excited and can't sleep. I just it's all the electricity in the air.
Hey, everyone! I'm not leaving! Yay! :D
Hello people, I am back! I've been gone for a while, but I decided to come back to KH-Vids. :)
I suck at that game! I died after I went looking for the crazy tomato thingy! I HATE THAT GAME!!! *Glares at FFXII box* Does anyone on here ACTUALLY LIKE that game? It's so SLOOOOOOOOOOOW when they fight, it's like "COME ON, DUDE, KILL THE MONSTER! DON'T JUST STAND THERE! KILL IT!!!". I was so frustrated I told my mom she could sell it on eBay but then I took it back.
I'm sorry to say I am thinking about permanetly leaving KH-Vids.net. Why? It has nothing to do with anyone on this forums. I have recently gotten bored with KH-Vids. At first it was really fun, but then I lost interest. Also, I've been busy. I have two birds, a dog, a horse-back riding career, shows, traveling, etc., so I have absolutely no time for KHV. Also, I want to have a life outside of the internet. I am sorry to say that I have felt that I have wasted a lot of time on the internet. I may come back and I may not, so if you don't see me for over a month then I will be permanetly leaving. I love all of you guys, and hope you have a wonderful time on KHV. SilentNocturne :)
Got Everything but the cookie monster?
Got Popeye's Chicken? (Yum! :D) Got Tacos? Got John Galliano?
Both. But I prefer Xemnas. I hate Xehanort's Heartless. >P
Got Pocky? Got Ichigo? Got iTunes? Got XD?
Dude, that is ONE BIG WORD.