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  1. N
    Okay, beware, this may freak you out!

    It was late at night and I had woken up to go the bathroom. So I went to the bathroom (my mom's, I don't dare use my dad's XD), and as I was coming out, near the door frame this tall black figure flickered on the edge of my vision. I jumped back, startled, and looked to see who this was. The figure had disappeared. I made a mental note not to go to bathroom late at night because of this incident.

    And this is a second one:

    One day I was sitting outside on the patio with my birds, watching the sunset. There was a slight breeze and no moon, so it was getting dark really fast. There are hills behind my house, and deer roam in them. So when I saw something going back and forth on the hills I just assumed it was a deer. But upon furthur examination I was wrong. It was actually a black horse. He was pure black, no white markings at all, and very tall but not large-framed. He was pacing back and forth on the hill with his head raised, pointed towards me. I stared back, astounded. Then, as the sun began to disappear behind the clouds he reared and took off at a gallop, with black feathers falling behind him.

    I don't know if the black horse was a lost horse or some fantasy, but I eventually called him Black Moon because he appeared on the night of no moon.
    Post by: N, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. N
    Then ten people on this website would be dead.
    Can you guess who?
    Thread by: N, Jul 14, 2007, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. N
    Were those real guns or just fake ones?

    LOL, I hope they weren't Japanese....because you would usually think Japanese people are calmer than that.

    It should have been tilted:

    DeAtH NoTe: DISturBia*
    Post by: N, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. N
    Okay, for the people who DO NOT know what Angel Sanctuary is:

    It is a story about Setsuna Mudo, a teenage boy who is really the incarnation of the angel Alexiel. He is in love with his sister, Sara Mudo. Sara, in Vol. 2 (I think) was killed by one of Rosiel's helpers. She was then taken by (I forget his name) and in a later volume she awakens, but she is blind.

    That's just a little summary, I need to go back and read it.

    Actually, the manga is much better than the TV series; it's a little gory so if you get easily creeped out, then either skip the gorey parts or just ignore the blood.

    The pictures are beautifully drawn, as you can see in my avatar. ^_^
    Post by: N, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. N
    The worst part about it is that the people doing it get this nasty kick out of raping kids. The really sickening part is that they're doing it to a real live person - one who has no control over this at all.
    Post by: N, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. N
    How many of you people are Angel Sanctuary fans?

    I have a couple of the Japanese volumes.

    I like the author's artwork, the pictures are very pretty. :)
    Thread by: N, Jul 14, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone