... ... ... *ded*
... dude... *barfs* i do NOT want to remember that... (Xemnas Reports rule though ^^)
I think he might be cosplaying someone from Zaft in either Gundam Seed or Gundam Seed Destiny... *points to collar*
Doesn't anybody know whatcharacter he's cosplaying, or wha anime the character is from? (I think i might) I have no idea... WHAT'S WRONG WITH JAPANESE GUYS?! No... LOL! that's just lawl... lawl
Dude, i can easily beat her! all my dragons are stronger! and just wait til i get Red eyes darkness on the feild! >> << I don't play children's card games... (btw, my brother told me i should type this... i have no idea what it means!)
Godobyx quickly finished his training and carried on.
*pheonix down'd* HA! *plays COM in corner* *sips coca cola*
*curious what they all had* :poke:
*ebil smile* he'll find out what i filled his head with... soon...
*ded* :( *very very ded*
fine... *fills Xaldin's head with other thoughts* whoops... wrong thoughts... I filled your head with... you know what, nevermind... *evil smile*
*hears al the names of the sweets and sweet senses wakes him up* OMG WHERES?!
... PURPLE!!! yayes!
*auto-life'd* *steals all sweets* :D
YESTERDAY WAS FRIDAY THE 13TH?! it was a lucky day for me... wow... 13 = Italian lucky number
*Saïx Snarl* *Tries to bite* *devours all cookies* *wide smile*
The disturbing part had to be when they were acting like Misa... *shudders*
well.. yup... *devours cookies from party*
*takes all the cookies* *snarl* *plays COM*
If you're banned. or brighter red if you're a sectional mod.