19966 WOO! *runs around in circles*
post too short my @$$!
oww... *rubs cheeck*
*bakes cookies to celebrate* CtR hath slain the mighty internet! COOKIES FOR ALL! except the badgers...
Got Ramen? (seriously... i want some...)
19955 BOOM! (lol, Sorax's phrase)
Got Pwnage? Got Pwned? ... ... ... Got milk? j/k (someone had to say it)
wabba- dabad- habaja- wha? i know i was on the list at the bottom... hi CtR is here! *tackle hug*
a 103 year old freak of games... NEXT! (j/k)
AH HEM! Chuck Norris is Bulletproof! (in case you don't know yet... this is all a joke.... don't take it seriously)
*jawdrop* O_O *ded* (too... much... thinking...)
bump 19916
Firefly VS Chuck norris Winner: Norris Chuck Norris VS Jesus Winner: Jesus Jesus VS Me Winner: Me ph34r my 1337 h4x!
if you say i'm a girl... what the hell? *points to "boy" in my username*
ZOMG *ded* j/k Soushirei is a sectional mod... forgetting you're colours?
I don't even like Halo! XP
okay reap... have a good time...
*database error while posting* *kicks Database Errors* *database error while posting* *kicks Database Errors*
19913 :cryinganime: I miss CtR...
heh... well, it's no longer on the member list so i can't... heh sorry to let a fellow bleach fan down...