"Sorry i ran off in such a hurry." Godobyx said. "anyway's the name's Godobyx, It's easy to get lost."
Godobyx ran through the halls to find a place to continue with his training, he lost track of which direction he was heading in and ran into Mixi and Lexon, Again, he sheathed his Zeihander and spoke to them once more OOC: Man... this is making me want to play Ocarania of Time... for some, strange reason...
Kittens! holy crap, *cough* smoke... *cogh*
Meow... O_o i was err... being random... yeah...
OMG KITTENS! yay! cte cuddleyness rules over... badgers... *shoots badger*
<.< >.> *runs*
heh... hey look! Red Fox! All: WHERE?! *sneak sneak* *runs*
boo ALL: AAH! whoops...
YAY! no errors! *dances*
cookies for all! All: OMG YAYES! (if this appears twice... damn errors)
woof... expected me to meow? i don't think so... DOGS DON'T MEOW!
*runs around* *hits wall* owie
XP *bakes cookies* are these any good?
hiya... OMG BADGER! *shoots*