" Fine whatever." Lilly said.
OOC: Doesn't matter to me. BIC: Alexa went to an old abandoned builiding. She walked down into the basement where there were no windows.
" Ah no. I could try though." Lilly said.
Alexa sighed. " I guess I should head back." she said to herself. " There you are. Now I've got you." A man said watching Alexa from afar.
Lilly followed John. " So how are we going to get the the top floor?" She asked.
Alexa stopped following him once he got to the wasteland.
Alexa followed Mace.
Alexa dissapeared through the shadows.
OOC: Cool you're both in.
Yup you can join. Alexa watched from the shadows.
" Crap." Alexa whispered and hid in the shadows.
Alexa raised one eyebrow and wiped some blood off of the keyboard. " That's strange. They were experimenting on a vampire? No wonder this place is like this."
She looked at the blood covered machines that were sparking. " What in the world were they working on here?"
" Hello! Is anyone alive in here!?" She yelled looking for any survivors.
OOC: Wow that was quick
OOC: kk bye
OOC: Yeah.
Alexa looked around. " Looks like they had a human bomb party." She said walking around the lab looking at all of the people.
Lament also looked at the floor.
OOC: Riiiiiiggtttt..... my bad.... I'm kinda slow today. lol BIC: Alexa walked into the building to see what was going on.