" Who? You mean that vampre?" She asked pointing to Ren. " So he's the person they did the experiments on at that destroyed lab?"
Alexa didn't stir. " You sounded like an elephant on your way here. Why are you here anyway?" She asked turning to him.
Alexa watched the fight from the trees. " Wow. Interseting." She whispered.
" Stay behind the shield. I'll try to keep it up so we can get in closer and then you can take him out." Lilly said to John.
OOC: Ahh the only part of my body I can move are my fingers ( luckily) Dance was a killer. BIC: Lament slowly opened her eyes. Her body was sore from being shocked.
Lament was unconsious on the floor.
Lament tried to dodge but the beam just brushed her side and sent a shock through her. She screamed out in pain.
She cast a water spell and shot a water beam at the fire ball.
Lament couldn't move because of the ice but she ducked out of the way of the beam. Then she mumbled another spell and melted the ice.
She mumbled a spell and a beem of light shot out at Sulor.
Lament pulled out a potion and threw the whole bottle on the ground. The bottle shattered and a blaze of fire came up out of it acting as a sheild for herself and Thorn.
Lament stood up and grabbed his sword with her bare hand. " What are you doing?" She asked harshly.
Lament looked up at him when he didn't answer. " Why?" she asked again. OOC: I gtg
Lilly didn't know how she was producing the shield and she couldn't keep it up. It started flickering. OOC: i gtg
" I still don't get it. Why would you want to save me? Maybe I am stupid but it just doesn't make sense to me." Lament said.
" Fine then." Lament said and sat back down.
OOC: beats me BIC: Lilly jumped in front of Xane and made a sheild of light. " I didn't even know I could do this." She said.
Lilly almost screamed but covered her mouth. " Where did you come from!?! You can't just sneak up on us you almost gave me a heart attack!!" Lilly whispered really loud to Xane.
Lament smiled a little. " Thank you. I guess to repay you I'll free you from my potion." She said and walked over next to him. Putting her hand gently on his chest she whispered, " Reject." The potion pretty much dissapeared from his body and no longer worked.
Lilly gently opened up the door. There were no more gun shots. " Yeah I think so. Lets see." She made a small light orb and threw it down. It lit up the room below, revealing the dead bloody body of the man. " Yup he's dead."