" Um where is the safe point?" Lilly asked. OOC: This Rp is dieing! LIVE!!!!!!!!!
" Not entirely." Lament said to Yrev.
Alexa walked back to the old building and layed them down on the floor, then she went to look for a blanket or something to cover them up with or lay them on so they wouldn't be on the floor.
Alexa sighed, turned and walked away.
" They each had their own reason for being killed." Alexa said. OOC: Ok sorry i gtg and I won't be on untill around 9:30 tomarrow cuz I have another school dance and I'm going over a friends house before the dance.
" Ok. I'll follow you." Lament said. OOC: I'm gonna have to go soon.
" Well I have experience, I've killed more vampires than humans." She said.
" Well alright then." Lilly said and followed him.
She nodded and her smile faded to seriousness.
Alexa shifted her body so that Esal was farther away from Mace. " If worst comes to worst I'll be killing you! You are not to kill him!" She said, the harshness comming back to her voice.
" So what are we supposed to do next? Just stand here?" Lilly asked, she was starting to get impatient.
" No no. " She said a little more ergently than she had wanted.
" Why?" Alexa asked.
" Hello." Lament said softly, she still had on her fake smile.
Lilly tapped her foot and crossed her arms waiting for his answer.
" Once he's back to normal I'll leave." Alexa said her voice was a little softer now.
Lament headed back to her house to wash up. Once there was no trace of the tears or anything she headed back to where she had seen Ren, trying to put on a smile.
" And why is that?" She asked even though she already knew the answer. Her voice was harsh.
Lament saw Ren and her eyes widened she didn't want him to see her all sad and teary-eyed so she started walking in the oposite direction, hoping her wouldn't notice her like most poeple.