OOC: Yay I got permission to join. So I guess I'll just come right in. BIC: Lirxa knocked on Max's door.
Alexa found a small clearing and layed him down on the grass.
Lilly nodded and smiled at Cathy, but then she saw her bandage. " What happened?" She asked.
Lament nodded and did as she was told.
Alexa walked outside and headed for the woods. She needed to find a place to stay while Ren healed.
Alexa chuckled. " I highly doubt that. But you're welcome to stay here as long as you want. I won't be comming back so you can take anything you see." She said and continued walking.
" My name is Alexa." She said plainly.
Alexa shrugged. " I really don't know why I help humans I just do. Something in me tells me too and I have no choice but to obey." She said.
She stopped and turned to him. " Yes?"
Alexa sighed then stood up. " I guess I'll go now." She said and picked up Ren. " Sorry that I didn't heal your wounds very well. It was the best I could do." She walked off with Ren slung over her shoulder.
Alexa chuckled and sat down.
" Sorry." Alexa said almost in a whisper.
Alexa looked down at Esal surprised. How long had he been awake? She silently handed him the phone.
Alexa panicked. " What do I say? Why did I even pick it up? What's wrong with me?"
Alexa remained silent.
" I think he has a plan, he just hasn't told us yet." Lament said.
Alexa jumped when the phone rang. It scared her, comming out of nowhere like that. She gently reached into his pocket and took out his phone. Silently she opened it without a word. And waited.
" The plan." Lament said and turned to face Ren.
OOC: Nothing much has happened, their still in the building.
She found some old blankets in a closet. They were torn and there were holes where moths had eaten away at them but they were all she could find. Gently she laid the blankets over them, then got to work on their wounds.