kairi started to place the pieces of wood. "namine what would we do without you?" she smiled as she picked up the rope. she also hid the treebark incase it was needed later (if larxene found them...lol).
"we need something like rope...what could we use instead?" kairi pondered. she started to search the area for something useful.
thats is sick. its more like torture than 'fixing your life'. and it shows how much the parents care about thier kids. there should be laws about sending kids to that type of place.
soon kairi and namine had sawed up a good amount of wood. "i dont think we should share anything with larxene. shes just going to blame us for being on this island. what do you think namine?" kairi said.
"ok." kairi walked over to namine and started to help saw the tree.
"do we have everything we need?" kairi asked. "and where did sora go?"
"ok. we need to find something to build a shelter out of." kairi said. "we should get started before it gets too dark."
Kairi: thanks namine!
Kairi: get off me!!! -kicks larxene-
can i be kairi?
7147...how many more untill we get to 1,000,000? this might take awhile.
saying that you want to kill a character is kind of extreme. if you dont like the game or characters why do you play it?
thats really sad...RIP... did the drunk driver get arrested? he should be...
yes its the one after destiny islands. its really hard
im stuck on the riku fight on floor 12. does anyone know how to beat it?
i'll try to have the sigs done by next week.
the first time i saw kairi and sora in kh1 i thought they were 10. the voices didnt match the ages too well- i know 12 year old boys with deeper voices than sora had in kh1, and he was 14. in kh2 sora is happy too much- compare him to riku when he was 15... i think kairi looks fine in kh2, square made a big improvement on her.
where can i get painter, opencanvas or gimp? are they free?
where can i get photoshop? i have some pictures i want to color, but i need the software...
i think i can have it done sometime next week.