"im confused..." kairi said to namine.
:( :( :( :( :( :(
thats why we have to continue the party!!!!!!!! tomorrow all day!!!!!!!
i have to get off the computer now :( should we continue the party tomorrow? -hiccups again-
lol u need more rum!
someone get more rum cuz i have to get off the computer now!!!!!! -hiccups violently-
The Rum Is Gone?!?! Why Is The Rum Always Gone?
thats a good idea!!!!!!! MORE CORONA PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
Sora_Riku_Masters change ur sig! were not engaged anymore!!! -hiccups-
i love weddings!!!! drinks all around!!!!!
im going to change my sig xD brb
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! lets have something else!!!!!! corona or...hmmm...
hmmm...maybe they should.
yay im married!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!! i want rum!!!!!
i do wheeeee!!!!!!!! im hyper today!!!!!
are we married yet? -waits impatiently- hurry!! before the rum is gone xD
can we wait to drink until after the wedding? -hides the rum- xD
can we start now?
2 more minutes!!!!!!!!!