lol, there's this one pic of me and my friend Julie, but Mark came into it and he has this really weird face. The first thing I said was "Now,...
Not now he's not. <3 Oh, and a girl we just met at the party told Julie who told me yesterday that she thought that Mark liked me, just by the...
xDDD I would probably do the same thing. Once I get a craving for McDonalds I have to have it. Oh, and guess what? Remember when I told you...
Ready, Set, Go! ~ Tokio Hotel
Forever ~ Fireflight
Hello. 8Dblah
Yup. xDboredboredbored
No prob. ^^
I think I'm going to play it before I have to go. xDD
I'm still debating. xD
Exactly. D: I think I'm going to play Guitar Praise...haven't played it in a while.
But I'm not hungry anymore...and she's not in the kitchen any more. Where's the fun in that?
There's no point to it now, though. D:
xDD Now that I completed the mission...I'm bored. xD
MISSION WAS A SUCCESS! 8D I'm laughing so hard right now. xDD
She's still there. ...We need the Mission Impossible theme, now. xD
I think she's out of the kitchen now. 8D *goes to check*
Breathe Into Me ~ Red
Dang, my grandma's in the kitchen. <_> I'll have to sneak to get them. *sneak sneak* Now I got "Hand That Feeds" stuck in my head.
Exactly. 8D I think I'm going to have the rest of the brownies that are left...that way I'll be crazy hyper by the time I go there. 8D