Have you seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsTzuSozCUI&NR=1
Don't Worry Now ~ Britt Nicole
I agree. Don't worry now It's going to be okay~
lol, I have that song. xDD
xDD I can't help it; this song makes me cry ever dang time.
I've loved her from the first time I've heard her. God, now I'm crying. xD This song reminds me so much of my own personal life.
Yeah, she is.
I've heard this before. It's strange how much Britt Nicole and I have in common. o.o
Hecks to the yeah.
If they come to our area, I'm definitley going to see them. I don't care if I'm dying...I'll go see them.
It's pretty funny. xDD I want to see them in concert. D:
xDDD I'm thinking about putting that as my usertitle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY1G-fm2EyI&feature=related This joke is actually pretty funny.
Same here. <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o32oAM_2_24&feature=related They might come to our area. ;D
I know; that's where I found it. xDD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5n4oQugKlk&feature=related
lol I'm laughing so hard at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04PsNQgPSKc "I bet whoever is going to wear this is going to feel dumped on." xDDD
Go ~ Thousand Foot Krutch
Now I wish I didn't eat all of those brownies. D:
xDDD What movie though? There's nothing really in theaters that I want to see, and I don't think he would want to see them either. Maybe I can...
I'm looking, I'm looking. But I already made my move. D: Maybe I'll suggest going to see a movie or something...
Brace Up ~ 21:03