YES. I love them so much. 8D
Yup. Oh, I can't wait until this year's winter retreat. 8D
Don't hurt yourself!
Ugh, I hate the cold. D: The only time I like it is when I get to go on my winter retreat and when I get off from schoool; besides that, I hate it.
I've been wanting the game since I woke up this morning.
I WANT TO PLAY IT NOW! DD: Seriously, not knowing Zexion's voice actor is driving me crazy.
The East Coast isn't that great either.
...I was just going to give you the link. xDD Yeah, I know, but it's all right. I LOVE MARLY'S VOICE.
If you lived here I would. D:
They probably just edited Haley Joel Osment's voice to make him sound younger.
I.MUST.HAVE.IT. I have to hear Zexion's voice. ZEXION = <3
Oh, I know who you are! Well, we never talked but I saw you post on the site a lot. Welcome back; it's great to see you back here. ^^
Yup, my grandpa is getting it. xD I would go, but I have to study and such, so he's going to take my receipt and get it fro me, since I already...
I CAN'T WAIT. 8Dyayyayyay
Remember when I used to complain that I wasn't able to see Pillar because they never come to a town near me? Well, they're coming to my vice...
Ah. Remember when I used to complain that I wasn't able to see Pillar because they never come to a town near me? Well, they're coming to my vice...
I got to hang out with my friends after being deprived of them for five days. Oh, and in Photography I edited a pic of Mark and he looks like a...
xDD ...I don't know what to talk about. ._.