What are you talking about? I got mine today and I've been playing it. It's a pretty cool game in my opinion. The only thing that bothers me (even though it's not too big of a deal) is Sora's voice, but I'm okay with it. Besides that, the game is pretty awesome.
Don't be. D:
Fun game is fun. 8D
I do. ._. Well, I did five minutes ago. xD
If you get the first five chapters, you're set for the year.
Because I need to study for Chem.
Did you want to see a really funny/scary/creepy picture I edited of Mark? It's funny and scary at the same time. 8D
xD I just got Re:CoM. 8D Haven't played it yet, though.
...Uh...oh yeah. xD I know it pretty well; it's basically Math.
Thanks. xD
Well, my Computer Graphics teacher did the fangs, while I did the eyes. ;D Yes, I know. <3
http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/khchick55/creepymark2.jpg xDDDD My friend says I'm Bella. ._.
My grandpa just arrived with mine. 8D I'm going to study Chem, then play the game. Did you want to see the picture? xDD
It was in mine too. Just emailing Mark a picture I edited of him. He looks like a vampire. xDD You?
I guess. xDD
We're all right. According to me friend, he was watching me a lot when this one guy wouldn't stop flirting with me at another party. When she...
xDDD Well, my guy will be there, so that's all that matters for me. xD
The one I go to is in Feb. as well. We're up near the mountains in a cabin for about 3 nights and 4 days. It's loads of fun.