I KNOW. He is sooooo getting it tomorrow. xD
Mark is a liar. DDD: ...this is about a qiuz...nothing to do with our feelings and what-not, just in case you were wondering. xD
I have a Church History and Spanish quiz tomorrow.
He lied on two questions, though. He said he never had a root beer float, when in fact, the first time he ever had one was when we went to a...
xDDD I have to study. D:
I just got a forty on his quiz. ._.
Ah, okay. I'm bored.
I'm on Wonderland...the third world. If that makes any sense. 8D Mine was great; yours?
Oh, I will. 8D
Oh well. I'll just yell at him tomorrow. xD
It is, and it isn't. You know my better than my bf/boyfriend. xDD It's kind of sad in my opinion. But I can sooo see him going "OH NO!" to...
Maybe. 8D Hey, you know me better than my best friend Mark apparently. He got 20. xDD
Okay. xDDblahblahblah
So you're NOMNOMNOM? xD
I haven't received a Black Mushroom card yet. ._.
Because your PM box was full. http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=0812032114063715&a=1&
You will. =D
I only want to go because of Genie. xD I love that place. <3
Same here; I want to go to Agrabah! D:
D: You'll get it soon; I know it.