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  1. Aurangzeb56
    hmm oh well dont know about this sionce the code should work on those missions ar the code must have some error and needs to be fixed
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Aurangzeb56
    lol yeah sure ^^

    try this :

    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Aurangzeb56
  4. Aurangzeb56
    lol dont know ^^" but here ill give you some:

    0240 - Ritterschild / Knight's Shield (Dummy)
    055E - Adaman-Schild / Adamant Shield (Dummy)
    055F - Adaman-Schild / Adamant Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0560 - Kettenwächter / Chain Gear (Dummy)
    0561 - Kettenwächter / Chain Gear (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0562 - Ogerschild / Ogre Shield (Dummy)
    0563 - Ogerschild / Ogre Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0564 - Sternschnuppe / Falling Star (Dummy)
    0565 - Sternschnuppe / Falling Star (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0566 - Kumulus-Kranz / Dreamcloud (Dummy)
    0567 - Kumulus-Kranz / Dreamcloud (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0568 - Ritterwappen / Knight Defender (Dummy)
    0569 - Ritterwappen / Knight Defender (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056A - Genji-Schild / Genji Shield (Dummy)
    056B - Genji-Schild / Genji Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056C - Akasha-Chronik / Akashic Record (Dummy)
    056D - Akasha-Chronik / Akashic Record (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056E - Niemandswache / Nobody Guard (Dummy)
    056F - Niemandswache / Nobody Guard (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    07D1 - Königswache / Save The King (Dummy)
    07D2 - Königswache / Save The King (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    07D3 - Adaman-Schild / Adamant Shield (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07D4 - Kettenwächter / Chain Gear (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07D5 - Ogerschild / Ogre Shield (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07D6 - Sternschnuppe / Falling Star (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07D7 - Kumulus-Kranz / Dreamcloud (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07D8 - Ritterwappen / Knight Defender (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07D9 - Genji-Schild / Genji Shield (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07DA - Akasha-Chronik / Akashic Record (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07DB - Niemandswache / Nobody Guard (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07DC - Königswache / Save The King (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07DD - Adaman-Schild / Adamant Shield (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07DE - Kettenwächter / Chain Gear (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07DF - Ogerschild / Ogre Shield (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07E0 - Sternschnuppe / Falling Star (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07E1 - Kumulus-Kranz / Dreamcloud (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07E2 - Ritterwappen / Knight Defender (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07E3 - Genji-Schild / Genji Shield (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07E4 - Akasha-Chronik / Akashic Record (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07E5 - Niemandswache / Nobody Guard (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07E6 - Königswache / Save The King (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Dummy)
    0949 - Goofys Vexen Weapon Freeze Pride (dummy)
    094A - Mushroom shield (dummy)
    09A1 - Save the King+
    09A2 - Goofys Vexen Weapon Freeze Pride+ (Re:Colored)
    09A3 - Mushroom shield
    09A4 - Mushroom shield
    09A5 - Mushroom shield
    09A6 - Mushroom shield
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Aurangzeb56
    oh lol well i was testing that for Final Mix and he can only do the aniamtiosn for dark Aura but hes has no effects meaning the dark balls dont ocme out of is Hand so its useless actually
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Aurangzeb56
    can you post the link here??
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Aurangzeb56
    lol no 01E3 gives him a keyblade ^^"

    use this code:

    Play as DW Roxas with PJ Model
    11CE0B68 00000323
    21C9F638 5F43504E
    21C9F63C 414A4150
    21C9F640 0053414D
    21cd5408 58455f57
    21cd540c 00303330
    21cd5410 00000000
    21cd5414 00000000
    21cd5418 00000000
    11CD4394 00000949 ---->Oathkeeper Mod(Shield Dummy Digits)
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Aurangzeb56
  9. Aurangzeb56
  10. Aurangzeb56
    lol your welcome so any news about the game??
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  11. Aurangzeb56
    Hercules is Axel: (Only used in the area this cheat was performed)

    Unnamed Cheat

    Meg is Axel: (Same conditions as Hercules)

    Unnamed Cheat

    Phil is Axel: (Same conditions as Hercules)

    Unnamed Cheat

    Sora Replaced by Final Sora:

    Unnamed Cheat

    Herc is Xaldin: (Only use in the area this cheat was performed)

    Unnamed Cheat

    Meg is Xaldin: (Same conditions as Herc)

    Unnamed Cheat

    Hercules is Xigbar: (ONLY used in the room this cheat was performed)

    Unnamed Cheat
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Aurangzeb56
    i did thats why im asking you............
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Aurangzeb56
    hmm well take the weapons address and input other weapons digits with it :

    Weapon Mod:
    Kingdom Key Mod(I suggest you only use this line with dummy's, it will replace Kingdomkey's model for the dummy's.)
    11CD4390 0000????
    11CD4394 0000????
    11CD4398 0000????
    11CD439C 0000????
    Hidden Dragon
    11CD43A0 0000????
    Hero's Crest
    11CD43A4 0000????
    11CD43A8 0000????
    Follow the Wind
    11CD43AC 0000????
    Circle of Life
    11CD43B0 0000????
    Photon Debugger
    11CD43B4 0000????
    11CD43B8 0000????
    Rumbling Rose
    11CD43BC 0000????
    Guardian Soul
    11CD43C0 0000????
    Wishing Lamp
    11CD43C4 0000????
    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CD43C8 0000????
    Sleeping Lion
    11CD43CC 0000????
    Sweet Memories
    11CD43D0 0000????
    Mysterious Abyss
    11CD43D4 0000????
    Fatal Crest
    11CD43D8 0000????
    Bond of Flame
    11CD43DC 0000????
    11CD43E0 0000????
    Ultima Weapon
    11CD43E4 0000????
    Acrossing Two Keyblade
    11CD43E8 0000????
    Winner's Proof
    11CD43EC 0000????

    Weapon Mod Digits:
        08BD = Kairi's Keyblade(Don't Do Ground Finisher)
        0067 = Kingdom Key
        0068 = Oathkeeper
        0069 = Oblivion
        0074 = Darkside
        0769 = Star Seeker
        0317 = Way to The Dawn
        076A = Hidden Dragon
        076B = Hero's Crest
        076C = Monochrome
        076E = Follow The Wind
        076F = Photon Debugger
        0770 = Gullwing
        0771 = Rumbling Rose
        0772 = Guardian Soul
        0773 = Wishing Lamp
        0774 = Dicisive Pumpkin
        0775 = Sleeping Lion
        0776 = Sweet Memory
        0777 = Mysterious Abyss
        0778 = Fatal Crest
        0779 = Bond Of Flame
        077A = Fenrir
        077B = Ultima weapon
        0845 = Xaldin Spear's
        0846 = Axel Weapon's*
        0842 = Saïx'- Sword*
        0843 = Xigbar's Gun Arrow*
        02C0 = Battle Companion*
        0939 = Acrossing 2
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Aurangzeb56
  15. Aurangzeb56
    Profile Post

    getting bored ^^"

    getting bored ^^"
    Profile Post by Aurangzeb56 for Majik, Dec 20, 2009
  16. Aurangzeb56
    lol yeah and its gonna take more time for the flametongue coed since feeling lazy ^^"
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Aurangzeb56
    lol nah no prob everyone was a noob at one time,even me XD
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Aurangzeb56
    like i told you,you also have to activate the code DW Roxas can use sield which i gave you with these two THEN mod oathkeeper with a shield


    DW Mulan With Max strength and Max Slots(Armors,Items,Accessory)
    11CE0B68 00000063
    21c95ad6 00000005
    21c95adf 0000000A
    21c95a8c 01000001
    21cd52a8 554d5f57
    21cd52ac 00303030
    21cd52c8 554d5f57
    21cd52cc 00303030
    21CE267C 00100070
    2032e58c FFFFFFFF
    2032e594 06080606
    11CD4390 0000076A
    11CD4394 0000076A
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Aurangzeb56
    lol kk ill update this post then
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Aurangzeb56
    oh lol well kk wait ill give you a code....hmm how about DW Mulan??
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault