Search Results

  1. Aurangzeb56
    lol ill release them later ause im feelign lazy ^^" and thanks
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Aurangzeb56
  3. Aurangzeb56
    lol cause im feeling lazy XD
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Aurangzeb56
    lol well yeah and its impossible since Master attack in the air and when you attack the character jumps and T-stance and also about your Saix Sword code don't know but i have heard that you need to give it mulans moveset and then replace SOA with saixs sword
    oh lol yeah forgot about it ^^" kk im gonna go and try it ^^
    lol well yeah thats supposed to happen cause DW Roxas doesnt have animations for hanging ^^"


    well hey guys im here with my second code video and this video features all the codes are made by me so yeah ^^

    These are the codes used in the vid:

    DW Anti(Fix) With all Attacks

    DW Riku Fix

    DW Drive Forms as allies and some new allies

    Mickey With Pearl Finisher

    Mulan With all attacks

    Warrior Final

    CODES Coming Soon:
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Aurangzeb56
    lol well but im gonna need a PAL dump for it to remake it on PAL region ^^
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Aurangzeb56
    lol thanks and yeah most probably tomorrow or maybe today ;)
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Video Showcase
  7. Aurangzeb56

    well hey guys im here with my second code video and this video features all the codes are made by me so yeah ^^

    These are the codes used in the vid:

    DW Anti(Fix) With all Attacks

    DW Riku Fix

    DW Drive Forms as allies and some new allies

    Mickey With Pearl Finisher

    Mulan With all attacks

    Warrior Final


    Ally Replacement

    Roxas *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    01C957EF 00000001
    11C957F4 00303131
    11C95814 00303131
    21C95834 0001000D
    01C9572F 00000001
    2036D8C8 61786F72
    2036D8CC 00000073
    11CD4390 00000939  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Sora *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    01C957EF 00000001
    11C957F4 00303031
    11C95814 00303031
    21C95834 00010005
    2036D8C8 61726F73
    2036D8CC 00000000
    11CD4390 0000077A  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Valor Form Ally (Donald) *Fixed By Aurangzeb56* (Note:To Give Him Soras Voice go to Twilight Town and youll get the voice,also when you get out from the world after you visit it 
    						you'll still have the voice)
    E00BFDFF 0034D45C ---------->Jokered To R2
    21c957f4 5f303031
    21c957f8 464c5442
    21c95814 5f303031
    21c95818 464c5442
    21c9581C 65736d2e
    01c95820 00000074
    2036d8e8 61726f73
    2036d8ec 00000000
    21C95834 00020006
    01C957EF 00000001
    2032e58d FFFFFFFF
    2032e594 05050505
    11CD4390 00000939  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    11CD4394 0000077A  ----------->Oathkeeper Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Wisdom Form Ally(Donald)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth**Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00BFDFF 0034D45C
    21C957F4 5F303031
    21C957F8 4647414D
    21C95814 5F303031
    21C95818 4647414D
    21C9581c 65736D2E
    21C95820 00000074
    21c95834 00030002
    21C957EC 02000001
    2036D8C8 61726F73
    2036D8CC 00000000
    1032E134 0000002B  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Original)
    Limit Form Ally(Donald)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth**Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21C957F4 5F303031
    21C957F8 4631484B
    21C95814 5F303031
    21C95818 4631484B
    21C9581C 65736D2E
    01C95820 00000074
    21C95834 00420007
    01C957EF 00000001
    2036D8C8 61726F73
    2036D8CC 00000000
    11CD4390 0000077B  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Master Form Ally(Donald) *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*(Note:To Give Him Soras Voice go to Twilight Town and youll get the voice,also when you get out from the world after you visit it 
    						you'll still have the voice)
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    21c957f4 5f303031
    21c957f8 46495254
    21c95814 5f303031
    21c95818 46495254
    21c9581C 65736d2e
    01c95820 00000074
    2036d8e8 61726f73
    2036d8ec 00000000
    1032E134 0000002B
    21C95834 00040006
    01C957EF 00000001
    2032e58d FFFFFFFF
    2032e594 05050505
    11CD4390 0000077A  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    11CD4394 0000077A  ----------->Oathkeeper Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Final Form Ally(Donald) *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*(Note:To Give Him Soras Voice go to Twilight Town and youll get the voice,also when you get out from the world after you visit it 
    						you'll still have the voice)
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21c957f4 5f303031
    21c957f8 46544c55
    21c95814 5f303031
    21c95818 46544c55
    21c9581C 65736d2e
    01c95820 00000074
    2036d8e8 61726f73
    2036d8ec 00000000
    2032e58d FFFFFFFF
    2032e594 05050505
    11CD4390 0000077B  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    21C95834 00050006
    01C957EF 00000001
    11CD4394 0000077A  ----------->Oathkeeper Weapon Mod (Use Dummie)
    Antiform Ally(Donald)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth**Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    21C957F4 5F303031
    21C957F8 464C5448
    21C95814 5F303031
    21C95818 464C5448
    21C9581C 65736D2E
    21C95820 00000074
    2036D8C8 61726F73
    2036D8CC 00000000
    21C95834 00060009
    21C957EC 09000001
    2032e8c8 FFFFFFFF
    2032e8d0 05050505
    11CD4390 00000775  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Lion Sora Ally(Donald) *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00BFDFF 0034D45C
    21c957f0 4b4c5f50
    21c957f4 00303031
    21c95810 4b4c5f50
    21c95814 2e303031
    21c95818 7465736d
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    0036d8cc 00000000
    21C95834 0005000B
    01C957EF 00000014
    2032eaf0 FFFFFFFF
    2032eaf8 05050505
    21c954ec 14000000
    11CD4390 00000845  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Lion Sora Ally With Trons limit(Donald) (NOTE:Doesn't Attack But Can Do Limits)*Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    21c957f0 4b4c5f50
    21c957f4 00303031
    21c95810 4b4c5f50
    21c95814 2e303031
    21c95818 7465736d
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    2036d8cc 00000000
    21C95834 0005000C
    01C957EF 0000000C
    2032ec04 FFFFFFFF
    2032ec0c 05050505
    11CD4390 00000778  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    DW Roxas Ally(Donald)*Fixed By Aurangzeb56*(Note:To Give Him Roxas Voice go to Twilight Town and you'll get the voice,also when you get out from the world after you visit it 
    						you'll still have the voice)
    E00BFDFF 0034D45C
    21C957F4 5f303131
    21C957F8 464c5442
    21C95814 5F303131
    21C95818 464c5442
    2036d8e8 65736d2e
    2036d8ec 00000074
    2036d8e8 61786f72
    2036d8eC 00000073
    21C95834 000A0006
    01C957EF 00000001
    2032e58d FFFFFFFF
    2032e594 05050505
    11CD4390 00000069  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Sora KH1 *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E009FDFF 0034D45C
    21C957F0 58455F50
    21C957F4 00303231
    21C95810 58455F50
    21C95814 2E303231
    21C95818 7465736D
    2036D8C8 61726F73
    2036D8CC 00000000
    21C95834 00010007
    01C957EF 00000007
    2032e6a0 FFFFFFFF
    2032e6a8 05050505
    11CD4390 0000076B  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Xemnas Ally(Donald)*Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    21c957f0 58455f42
    21c957f4 5f303731
    21c957f8 3939564c
    21c95810 58455f42
    21c95814 2e303731
    21c95818 7465736d
    21c957ec 01000001
    2032e13c FFFFFFFF
    Normal Roxas-Boss(No Hooded) (donald)
    21C957EC 00000003 
    01C957EF 0000000E 
    11C957F4 00003131 
    11C95814 00003131 
    21C95834 00010002 
    Sora-Boss PS2 Ver(donald)
    21c957f0 58455f50
    21c957f4 00303031
    21C95814 2e303031
    21C95818 7465736d
    21C95834 00010002
    21C957EC 01000003
    Ally Axel (Donald)(You Can Do Trinity Limit With Him{Sora,Donald and Goofy Combine Limit} )*Made By Aurangzeb56*
    11CE0B6A 000004DC
    21ca598c 02000001
    21ca59d4 00050002
    2032e13c FFFFFFFF
    Mickey Ally(Donald) (You Can Do Trinity Limit With Him{Sora,Donald and Goofy Combine Limit} ) *Made By Aurangzeb56*
    11CE0B6A 00000764
    21cb1e0c 02000001
    21cb1e54 00050002
    2032e13c FFFFFFFF
    1032E134 000001E0  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Original)
    DW Riku Ally(Donald)*Made By Aurangzeb56*(Note:To Give Him Rikus Voice go to The World That Never Was and you'll get the voice,also when you get out from the world after you visit it 
    						you'll still have the voice)
    11CE0B6A 00000819
    11cb5e1E 00000002
    21cb5dcc 01000001
    21cb5e14 00050006
    2036d8e8 756b6972
    2036d8eC 00000000
    21CD5A48 58455F57
    21CD5A4C 5F303130
    21CD5A50 425F5852
    21CD5A54 5F464C54
    01CD5A58 0000004C
    1032e5de 000080BB
    4032F064 00130001
    12020100 00000000
    2032e58d FFFFFFFF
    2032e594 05050505
    11CD4394 00000069  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Original)
    11CD4390 00000939  ----------->Oathkeeper Mod (Use Dummies)
    Terra Ally(Donald) (You Can Do Trinity Limit With Him{Sora,Donald and Goofy Combine Limit} ) *Made By Aurangzeb56*
    21c957f0 58455f42
    21c957f4 00303234
    21c957f8 00000000
    21c95810 58455f42
    21c95814 2e303234
    21c95818 7465736d
    Sephiroth Ally(Donald) (You Can Do Trinity Limit With Him{Sora,Donald and Goofy Combine Limit} ) *Made By Aurangzeb56*
    21c957f0 42485f4e
    21c957f4 00303336
    21c95810 42485f4e
    21c95814 2e303336
    21c95818 7465736d
    Roxas Shadow Ally (Donald) (You Can Do Trinity Limit With Him{Sora,Donald and Goofy Combine Limit} ) *Made By Aurangzeb56*
    21c957f0 58455f50
    21c957f4 00303331
    21c95810 58455f50
    21c95814 2e303331
    21c95818 7465736d
    Roxas *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    21c9584c 03000001
    11c95854 00303131
    11c95874 00303131
    21c95894 00010003
    2036d8d0 61786F72
    2036d8d4 00000073
    1032E248 000001F2  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Original)
    Sora *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    11c95854 00303031
    11c95874 00303031
    21c9584c 07000001
    21c95894 00050007
    2036d8d0 61726F73
    2036d8d4 00000000
    11CD4390 00000074  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Valor Form Ally(Goofy) *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21c95854 5f303031
    21c95858 464c5442
    21c95874 5f303031
    21c95878 464c5442
    21c9587C 65736d2e
    21c95880 00000074
    2036d8e8 61726f73
    2036d8ec 00000000
    21c95894 00020006
    01c9584F 00000001
    11CD4390 0000076A  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    11CD4394 00000774  ----------->Oathkeeper Weapon Mod (Use Dummie)
    Wisdom Form Ally(Goofy)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth**Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    21C95850 58455F50
    21C95854 5F303031
    21C95858 4647414D
    21C95870 58455F50
    21C95874 5F303031
    21C95878 4647414D
    21C9587C 65736D2E
    21C95880 00000074
    2036D8D0 61726F73
    2036D8D4 00000000
    21C95894 00030008
    01C9584F 00000001
    11CD4390 0000076F  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Limit Form Ally(Goofy)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth**Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00BFDFF 0034D45C
    21C95854 5F303031
    21C95858 4631484B
    21C95874 5F303031
    21C95878 4631484B
    21C9587C 65736D2E
    21C95880 00000074
    2036D8D0 61726F73
    2036D8D4 00000000
    21C95894 0005000D
    01C9584F 00000013
    11CD4390 00000771  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Master Form Ally(Goofy)*Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21c95854 5f303031
    21c95858 46495254
    21c95874 5f303031
    21c95878 46495254
    21c9587C 65736d2e
    01c95880 00000074
    2036d8e8 61726f73
    2036d8ec 00000000
    21C95894 00040006
    01C9584F 00000001
    11CD4390 00000770  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    11CD4394 00000778  ----------->Oathkeeper Weapon Mod (Use Dummie)
    Final Form Ally(Goofy) *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21c95854 5f303031
    21c95858 46544c55
    21c95874 5f303031
    21c95878 46544c55
    21c9587C 65736d2e
    01c95880 00000074
    2036d8e8 61726f73
    2036d8ec 00000000
    21C95894 00050006
    01C9584F 00000001
    11CD4390 0000077B  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    11CD4394 0000077A  ----------->Oathkeeper Weapon Mod (Use Dummie)
    Antiform Ally(Goofy)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth**Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00BFDFF 0034D45C
    21C95854 5F303031
    21C95858 464C5448
    21C95874 5F303031
    21C95878 464C5448
    21C9587C 65736D2E
    21C95880 00000074
    2036D8D0 61726F73
    2036D8D4 00000000
    21C95894 00050005
    01C9584F 00000005
    11CD4390 00000845  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Lion Sora Ally(Goofy) *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00BFDFF 0034D45C
    21C95850 4b4c5f50
    21C95854 00303031
    21C95870 4b4c5f50
    21C95874 2e303031
    21C95878 7465736d
    2036D8D0 61726f73
    2036D8D4 00000000
    21C95894 0005000B
    01C9584F 00000014
    11CD4390 00000772  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    21c954ec 14000000
    Lion Sora Ally With Trons limit(Goofy) 
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    21C95850 4b4c5f50
    21C95854 00303031
    21C95870 4b4c5f50
    21C95874 2e303031
    21C95878 7465736d
    2036D8D0 61726f73
    2036D8D4 00000000
    21C95894 0005000C
    01C9584F 0000000C
    11CD4390 00000769  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    DW Roxas Ally(Goofy)(Less T-Stanced While Attacking) *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E012FDFF 0034D45C
    21C95854 5f303131
    21C95858 464c5442
    21C95874 5f303131
    21C95878 464c5442
    21C9587C 65736d2e
    21C95880 00000074
    2036d8e8 61786f72
    2036d8ec 00000073
    21C95894 000A0006
    01C9584F 00000001
    11CD4390 00000775  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    01C9589F 0000000A
    21cd53f0 46544c55
    21cd53f4 00004c5f
    21cd53f8 00000000
    21cd5410 46544c55
    21cd5414 0000525f
    21cd5418 00000000
    Sora KH1 *Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    E00BFDFF 0034D45C
    21C95850 58455F50
    21C95854 00303231
    21C95870 58455F50
    21C95874 2E303231
    21C95878 7465736D
    2036D8D0 61726D73
    2036D8D4 00000000
    21C95894 0001000D
    01C9584F 00000013
    11CD4390 0000076E  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    Xemnas Ally(Goofy):*Fixed By Aurangzeb56*
    21c95850 58455f42
    21c95854 5f303731
    21c95858 3939564c
    21c95870 58455f42
    21c95874 2e303731
    21c95878 7465736d
    21c9584c 01000001
    Normal Roxas-Boss(No Hooded) (goofy)
    21C9584C 00000003
    01C9584F 0000000E 
    11C95854 00003131 
    11C95874 00003131 
    21C95894 00010003 
    Sora-Boss PS2 Ver(goofy)
    21C9584C 00000003 
    01C9584F 00000001 
    11C95854 00003031 
    11C95874 00003031 
    21C95894 00010003 
    Ally Axel (Goofy) (You Can Do Trinity Limit With Him{Sora,Donald and Goofy Combine Limit} )*Made By Aurangzeb56*
    11CE0B6C 000004DC
    21ca598c 03000001
    21ca59d4 00050003
    2032e250 FFFFFFFF
    Mickey Ally(Goofy) (You Can Do Trinity Limit With Him{Sora,Donald and Goofy Combine Limit} ) *Made By Aurangzeb56*
    21c95854 00303332
    21c95874 2E303332
    21c95878 7465736d
    21c9584c 03000001
    21c95894 00050003
    2032e250 FFFFFFFF
    1032e248 0000002B  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Original)
    DW Riku Ally(Goofy)*Made By Aurangzeb56*
    11CE0B6C 00000819
    11cb5e1E 00000002
    21cb5dcc 01000001
    21cb5e14 00050006
    2036d8e8 756b6972
    2036d8eC 00000000
    21CD5A48 58455F57
    21CD5A4C 5F303130
    21CD5A50 425F5852
    21CD5A54 5F464C54
    01CD5A58 0000004C
    1032e5de 000080BB
    4032F064 00130001
    12020100 00000000
    11CD4394 00000069  ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Dummies)
    11CD4390 00000939  ----------->Oathkeeper Mod (Use Dummies)
    Terra Ally(Goofy) (You Can Do Trinity Limit With Him{Sora,Donald and Goofy Combine Limit} ) *Made By Aurangzeb56*
    21c95850 58455f42
    21c95854 00303234
    21c95858 00000000
    21c95870 58455f42
    21c95874 2e303234
    21c95878 7465736d
    Sephiroth Ally(Goofy) (You Can Do Trinity Limit With Him{Sora,Donald and Goofy Combine Limit} ) *Made By Aurangzeb56*
    21c95850 42485f4e
    21c95854 00303336
    21c95870 42485f4e
    21c95874 2e303336
    21c95878 7465736d
    Roxas Shadow Ally (Goofy) (You Can Do Trinity Limit With Him{Sora,Donald and Goofy Combine Limit} ) *Made By Aurangzeb56*
    21c95850 58455f50
    21c95854 00303331
    21c95870 58455f50
    21c95874 2e303331
    21c95878 7465736d

    Mickey With Pearl Finisher (Remove All Blue Abilities except Aerial Finisher) *Made By Aurangzeb56*:
    21c954f4 00303232
    21c95514 2e303232
    21c95518 7465736d
    21CE267C 003200A3
    21c954ec 01000000
    21c95534 00010001
    2032e108 818A818A
    2032e10C 818A818A
    21C6C93C 05050000
    21C6C940 00000000
    21C6C900 0A090964
    201C9A80 0000102D
    201C99A0 0000102D
    2032e028 FFFFFFFF
    2032e030 06080606

    DW Anti Form With All Attacks (Drive Into Wisdom)*Made By Aurangzeb56*
    11CE0B72 00000059
    01C9571F 0000000A
    21CD5308 58455F57
    21CD530C 00303130
    21cd52e8 58455F57
    21cd52ec 00303130
    1032ee64 00000065

    Play As DW Riku (FIX)
    11CE0B68 0000089B
    01CB8C77 0000002E
    21CB8C78 7465736D
    21CB8C7C 00000000
    01CB8C96 00000023
    11CB8C9E 00000002
    0032ED64 0000008A
    2032F0AC 00020100
    21CE267C 003200A3
    21CB8C4C 01000000
    21CB8C94 00050001
    21CB8C9C 0A000000
    1032E020 00000029
    11CD4B08 00000068
    21cd52a8 48455f57
    21cd52ac 00303030
    21cd52b0 00000000
    21cd52b4 00000000
    21cd52c8 58455f57
    21cd52cc 00303130
    21cd52d0 00000000
    21cd52d4 00000000
    11CD4390 00000317 ----->Weapon Mod(Dummies)
    11CD4394 00000069 ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Dummies)

    Mulan With All Attacks (Remove Slap Hot,Dodge Slash,Flash Step,Slide Dash,Round Break Blue Abilities{slots 6-10} )*Made By Aurangzeb56*
    21c954f0 554d5f50
    21c954f4 00303030
    21c95510 554d5f50
    21c95514 2e303030
    21c95518 7465736d
    2032e028 FFFFFFFF
    2032e030 06080606
    21C6C900 0A090964
    201C9A80 0000102D
    201C99A0 0000102D
    21CE267C 00320084
    2036d8c0 616c756d
    2036d8c4 0000006e
    21C6C93C 05050000
    21C6C940 00000000

    Play As Warrior Final:
    01c956b6 00000005
    21C6C900 0A090964
    21cd52c8 58455f57
    21cd52cc 00303330
    1032EF04 00000029
    21c6c93c 05050000
    21c6c940 00000000
    11CD4390 00000949 ------>Weapon Mod(Shield Dummies)
    Thread by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009, 45 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  8. Aurangzeb56
  9. Aurangzeb56
    lol no the codes wrong and also roxas with masters moveset wont allow roxas to attack

    lol so anyway anymore ideas??
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Aurangzeb56
  11. Aurangzeb56
    Profile Post

    yeah why ??

    yeah why ??
    Profile Post by Aurangzeb56 for thecoder180, Dec 20, 2009
  12. Aurangzeb56
    sorry didn't understand it ??
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Aurangzeb56
    lol kk ^^....
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Aurangzeb56
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Aurangzeb56
    hmm what doesn' work for you ??
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Aurangzeb56
    lol kk sure no prob ^^
    well camtasia screen capture Comp.....
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Aurangzeb56
    ?? so what do you mean??
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Aurangzeb56
  19. Aurangzeb56
  20. Aurangzeb56