hmm you have final mix game??
hmm kk show me the code when its done
well nothing at the moment since im getting bored ^^" but i need ideas for codes give me some
hmm kk show me a code of Valor Ally...........
hey thanks ^^
lol yeah i know i ade the DW version of DW Roxas just now Roxas: 11CFA3FE 0000005A 21cb992c 01000001 21cb9974 0001000D 2037b890 61786f72...
lol thanks yup i think maybe ill release the codes today
hmm yeah we can and i did but the code crashed the game,don't know why but i dont htink drive forms as allies code can be done on NTSC..........
hmm don't think this code will work.........
lol easy : DW Roxas had Soras Sub-status: 01c9f67f 00000000
hmmm....... kk let me try it kk gvie him soras sub status and remove High Jump
hmm strange i tried to make it for NTSC but the model mod nor the way you tried it makes the forms to be our allies...................
oh well yeah jus give him soras status but that won't enable it to use magic they will T-stance of they use magic
lol nope unless you deflect attacks TEHN it will T-stance so attack the heavy defenced enemies (Armored who have long and heavy swords) in the air ^^ unable or enable??
well easy give donald/goofy the forms model and moveset and thats it
DUDE nice ^^
hmm nah not only its a bit tricky ^^
lol thanks yeah i have requested it ^^