hmmm dont know must be on the first page
2.well DMA = Dynamic Memory Allocation = One room only and also its hard so i cant tell ^^" and no prob you can ask ^^ 1.
not that i meant the real and you gave him the moveset im talking about the mset here: use that thats the full code and see what happens...
hmm kk try this code E007FDFF 0035B55C 51CB9750 00000020 01CB99F0 00000000 01CB9A36 00000002 01CB974C 00000001 21CB9794 00020006 1033FFB4...
yeah don't knw probably well if thats the case then i think i can teach you how to make DW Allies ^^
lol wel all your idead would be DMA ^^" and also i have released the coeds already check in the videos section ^^
lol well yeah im using an EMU since its much easier ^^"
ill give you the codes : DW ROXAS WITH FINAL MOVESET (Fix) 11CFA404 00000323 21cd53f0 46544c55 21cd53f4 00004c5f 21cd53f8 00000000 21cd5410 46544c55 21cd5414 0000525f 21cd5418 00000000 Dual Weild Roxas Form 11CE0B68 0000005A 1032E020 0000002B 01C9572F 00000001 21CE267C 003F00AC 01c9577F 0000000A 1032F026 00008052 21cd53c8 58455f57 21cd53cc 5f303130 21cd53d0 00005852 21c6c93c 05040005 21c6c940 00000000 DW Anti Form With All Attacks (Drive Into Wisdom)*Made By Aurangzeb56* 11CE0B72 00000059 01C9571F 0000000A 21CD5308 58455F57 21CD530C 00303130 21cd52e8 58455F57 21cd52ec 00303130 1032ee64 00000065 DW Wisdom FIX 11CE0B68 00000056 21cd5230 46544c55 21cd5234 00004c5f 21cd5248 58455f57 21cd524c 5f303130 21cd5250 46544c55 21cd5252 0000525f WISDOM SECOND KEYBLADE is oathkeeper 1032EE5C 00000068 DW Limit Form 01CDB31F 00000008 21CD6208 58455F57 21CD620C 5F303130 21CD6210 4631484B
yup the code crashes the game
hmm kk wait and yeah im using NTSC
um DW forms code is already out since now all the forms can DW
well riku can use ground attack and warrior final is in the video with 1000 heartless battle also for mickey unequip all blue abilities except Aeriel Finisher(Slot 16) and don't attack on ground with mickey so yeah and thats it other then that none of the codes are glitchy
lol yeah thanks it was a bit tricky though :P
well how should i enter the code and what should i do with the keyblades and etc.
well yeah i know since he doesn't have the aimations for blocking/deflecting attacks so thats why he T-stances yeah
nope the code crashes and i didn't used kingdom key
the game crashed when i activated the code
lol kk ill check
i think he means a custom form........