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  1. Patman
    If one of those ten hits doesn' t land the next one will kill you, it kisses your once more second chance bye bye. What you can do instead of rolling around is use heal guard, and throw a counter right in his teeth if one of his hits misses.

    I actually didn' t know that rolling around non-stop left you invincible 99% of the time (I' m the confrontational type Vivid Green described) so I didn' t do it before I read it was an option online, yet I managed to get to the second half of the fight quite regularly just using glide, single rolls, guards and counters. It' s not as reliable a method, but it works. Spamming square doesn' t work for Terra anyway. Granted, once MF starts turning invisible spamming square is by far your best hope at survival (though you can still keep your eyes open for a heal guard opportunity), that' s why I listed his invisibility as his second cheap move.

    I haven' t fought either Sephiroth in years, but what few I remember doing is gliding around way too long, spamming elixirs all along, trying to finally reach him, land a hit and ... darn that coward weasel is already gone. For me he was the mechanical, predictable fight (not saying he has to be fought like that, that' s just what I ended up doing). They all rely on patterns, they have to, the only fundamental difference I can spot between MF and the others I' ve fought is that he requires not just a tactic but also luck, which is fairly common in RPGs. As long as it' s not plain broken and reserved for a few boss fights I' m fine with it.

    I do understand how frustrating it is to be denied a victory despite having the tactics figured out already, I felt it myself, but on the other hand when I actually beat MF with Terra I yelled out loud and my hands were shaking. When I beat either Sephiroth I was just meh, what' s next ?
    Post by: Patman, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Patman
    Hasn' t Nomura said in interviews that he (or no one in his team, can' t remember) actually beat MF ? I' m not sure they figured out spamming thunder surges was the way to go, hell, it' s not the only way to beat him, I' d wager this was just the devs stacking the odds against us as much as they could, short of making him invincible, and going "Our job here is done, now YOU figure it out. Good luck, you' ll need it lol."

    Sure, if you just followed a walkthrough and/or watched vids to have the "thunder surge and dodge" method spoon-fed to you then he' s a snore-fest. An annoying luck-based snore-fest at that, given his cheap insta-kill whip and Ima going invizibl lul. But I' ve waited months to look for tips online and he sure gave me a run for my money. Let' s keep it real, how many of you actually found that method out empirically ? In contrast both Sephiroths fell to my keyblade much, much more quickly and without any need for tips. The way to beat them is much less elusive.

    As for VR I beat him with my own method, the one plastered all over the net doesn' t suit me at all. And no, he' s not just a stat buff, he has new moves. If you tried to beat him the way you did before chances are he stuck your keyblade far up your ass.

    So far I haven' t seen any secret boss standard that they should reproduce at nauseum nor avoid. As far as I can tell they try to give each his own spin, which is all I' m asking for.

    I haven' t played DDD but ... it was made after BBS. If there' s a copycat in that picture it' s not MF, it' s the other. Besides, I haven' t played any FM either but, Days and ReCoded aside, haven' t KH über secret bosses traditionally been buffed up versions of characters planned to properly appear in the next game ? They' re not just bosses, they' re also deliberate cryptic teasers (i.e. spoilers, not just in terms of story but also in terms of gameplay).
    Post by: Patman, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Patman
    They probably don' t carry tranquilizing bullets around ?

    I can' t tell whether the dog was being agressive or just wanted to play. All that jumping around and, as far as I can tell, not a single growl or attempt at biting doesn' t exactly scream danger to me. I tried seeing if it was waggling his tail (which would be a clear sign the dog' s happy) but the vid resolution is too low.

    Even if it was being agressive I would at least have asked its owner to calm it down and strand it somewhere. Either way it took them what, 3 or 4 seconds to shoot first and ask questions later (if at all) ? Captain Courage would be so proud.
    Post by: Patman, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  4. Patman
    My parents are both opticians, they had books filled with visual tricks. Thought it was pretty neat back when I was a kid. That particular trick is one of the most commonly exploited irl, you' ve probably already seen it many times before without realizing it. For instance the paintings on the roads or on football fields and Greek or Roman facades exploit it to look better from the most relevant angle.

    Youtube and its videos allows tricks that can' t be conveyed through books.
    Here' s my favorite kind, so trippy ... :

    On a side note, I know how to fold a bill to make it look like there are two bills. Could be useful, but I' ve only used it for pranks.
    Post by: Patman, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Patman
    Isn' t abortion already illegal beyond 20 weeks (which is when the foetus develops a brain and legally becomes a baby) unless there' s a problem jeopardizing the mother and/or the baby lives ? What, they' d rather sit back, grab the popcorn and risk watching the both of them die rather than bloody their hands and actually help ? Or bloody their souls I guess. Pro-life my ass. -_-
    Can' t help wondering how many of them are for the death penalty.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 26, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Patman
    1 : Overall, not really. I tend to second guess everything. Not that I' m self-depreciating either, I' m average I guess.

    2 : At home, you betcha. At work, nope, unless I have to sit all day long without doing anything physical (like at school).

    3 :


    Okay seriously, yes, it can give a better image of yourself to others (which in turn impacts the way you see yourself) and make you feel more secure.

    That being said, surely there are employers out there who couldn' t care less whether you look like a slacker or not as long as you aren' t one, however if you are indeed a slacker no amount of positive maneurism will hide it very long. All the same, avoiding all the taboo maneurisms during an interview won' t give me nearly as much confidence as knowing exactly what the job is and knowing full well I can do it easy peasy.

    In short, just like beauty, it' s superficial and fairly subjective. I know it matters, but I also know there' s more important stuff to focus on.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 25, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  7. Patman
    The old ones. The Primes are good, but I like the side-scrollers more.
    As for Samus I' d rather keep her mute and alone. It' s just like Zelda, the more pretense of a story they try to cram the more linear the game has to be. Fusion was just ridiculous in that regard, most of its map was event-locked. That one secret message aside, the game kept preventing us to stray in any way from the path Nintendo had in mind. Zero Mission and Other M didn' t push control that far, but they were still very rigid. Look, the exploration is the story, just crash her ship somewhere for a reason I couldn' t care less about and let the backgrounds and the action do the talking. Story emerging from world rather than world emerging from story.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Patman
    Why wouldn' t it ? It' s all Latin, there' s nothing to translate. Hell, prompto is still in the French dictionary. Oh ... I just got the joke, nevermind. guess that makes me Lente.

    What I do wonder is how badly the English VAs will pronounce them (Willow wasn' t kidding, she sucks at Latin big time XD). Or the Japanese ones for that matter, lol Ratin.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. Patman
    I think you just described mankind. But here' s where you' re confused : our natural inclination to lazily cut corners is not necessarily a bad thing. It' s the reason we have cars, houses, electricity, medecine, hospitals, the list goes on and on. We learn how to get more efficient through competition, through failure. Life is the biggest game of all. A champion isn' t someone who won a lot, it' s someone who lost a lot, good luck exciting anyone if you give everyone a medal just for showing up.

    I too played tennis and didn' t like competition (though I didn' t hate it either). I was playing against myself and had my own rules, participating in tournaments just didn' t add any fun for me. However it was still all about winning or losing and playing by myself was no fun at all.

    The thing is, even animals can tell what' s fair game and what' s not. If a lil' wolf uses his fangs to hurt he should quickly notice the other wolf kids don' t want to play with him anymore. Same goes for us. Our societies are based on competition, that' s not about to change anytime soon, but it doesn' t mean it has to be all Game Of Thrones. It took us long enough, but we' ve finally realized that leaving no one behind (through social security nets for instance) is preferable, be it on an individual scale or on a societal scale. On one hand it makes people happier (i.e. more productive), and on the other hand just because you failed doesn' t mean you have nothing to contribute to society at all.

    In short, you shouldn' t mind competition that much. Just do your best to play fair and you won' t have anything to be ashamed of. If at some point you realize you didn' t play fair, well, hopefully you' ll learn from that mistake and won' t make it again.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 21, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  10. Patman
    Why do I feel like these guys are the GOP of video games ?
    Post by: Patman, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Patman
    Huh ? I know people often joke about marijuana making them see pink elephants in tutus or something, but they' re being hyperbolic, marijuana doesn' t actually cause delusions or hallucinations (or rather it doesn' t increase the odds for that, even sane and healthy people can have those).

    If memory serves marijuana can only increase your odds to become schyzophrenic (or to experience schyzophrenic hallucinations) if you were schyzophrenic or genetically predisposed to become schyzophrenic to begin with.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Patman
    Post by: Patman, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Patman
    Short version :

    Long version :

    Majora' s Mask is the only Zelda I haven' t finished yet, when I figured out that the game was forcing me to do the same boring tasks several times and that Link could somehow keep his items but not his rupees I called bullshit and gave it a day.

    Windwaker had me hoping for a while, what with that vast sea completely devoid of locks to prevent me from exploring ... Unfortunately, all I ever got for going where I wasn' t suposed to was "obvious lock you don' t have the key for" or "here, have a Deku Stick". Awesome. Not to mention sailing, though fun at first, quickly became tedious, even whith my GBA helping to cut the crap.

    Aonuma said the next Zelda won' t be linear, I' ll believe it when I see it. If you could make it action packed and hard while you' re at it that' d be great too, m' kay ?
    Post by: Patman, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Patman
    In other words correlation is not causation, Sure, except we do have ideas about the causal links involved here, as opposed to milk consumption.

    There' s the fact that you grow used to it, insert long brain chemistry explanation here, you have to ingest higher and higher amounts to feel as strong an effect as before. If you get highly addicted you might be tempted to cut the crap and "upgrade" to something that can send you in la-la land more quickly.

    There' s also the fact that trying out one recreational drug will raise your curiosity about the others. If you tried vanilla ice cream and loved it you' re likelier to want to try chocolate ice cream than a guy who never ate ice cream at all.

    As for going to the same place to get marijuana and harder drugs I suppose it can happen, but speaking from personal experience 99% of all the cannabis dealers I' ve ever met weren' t selling anything else.

    That being said, I agree that there are so many factors involved that I' m a little iffy on sticking the gateway label on one recreational drug in and of itself. Those statistics just show the current trend, not the golden rule.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  15. Patman
    Although it is indeed a gateway drug I figured I might as well post this less known fact.

    As for fake weed, I only learned of its existence a few days ago when I watched this :
    Judging fromwhat they said here fake marijuana consumption has nothing to do with marijuana users wanting to "upgrade", it' s just that fake marijuana can weasel its way around regulations. Why the hell would you favor the fake one over the real deal otherwise, am I missing something ?
    Post by: Patman, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Patman

    Not much to add but "oh wow", it says it all really.
    Petition to free Snowden of all charges :
    Post by: Patman, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  17. Patman
    Mmm ? Please, that' s nothing to apologize for. I actually thought it was an interesting slip of the tongue given the context, otherwise I wouldn' t have bothered to post just to point out a typo.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Patman
    I think 7$ (8-9 euros in my case) a ticket is a pretty decent price all things considered, but as Misty said if it was to be raised for no good reason I can think of I' d just go meh and bring my friends someplace else, the bowling or something. That applies to the popcorn as well btw, theaters prices for junk food are such an obvious rip off I just eat before or after the movie, at that price I' d rather enjoy an actual meal.

    Many theaters here have a partnership with the nearest fast-food, if you buy a ticket with your meal both come a tad cheaper. When I lived in Rennes (whose proportion of students in its population is the highest in France) one of the local theaters organized theme movie nights : five movies in a raw from 10 pm to 8 am, Mc Donalds stuff distributed in between them, and animators hired to organize quizzes and stuff, with prizes for us to win, and ask what we want the next theme to be. I went to the Tim Burton and Superheroes nights, had they planned an Anime night I would have signed for that too. Can' t remember the price exatly, around 30 plus euros I think. It was really awesome, where else would I be able to watch Beetlejuice on the big screen or meet so many nerds to comment what we just saw ? I even won the Hulk quizz and got three DVDs and a huge Spidey toy. Going to work right after that was a *****, but it was still worth it.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  19. Patman
    It' s The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt, but that' s an interesting slip of the tongue. ^^
    Post by: Patman, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Patman
    Huh ? There' s no such thing as a right to be able to use any next-gen console ever released. Products are rarely designed for everyone, more often than not they' re build with a specific target in mind and ignore everyone else. Handicapped or left-handed persons, to name a few. It happens everyday, for products far more vital than a stupid XBox, yet I can' t hear any public outcry over it.

    I agree with PaW, this is disastrous for their image but they' re not insulting anyone.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Current Events