Full transcript : http://forum.ffdream.com/viewtopic.php?f=278&t=14856&sid=205c3f387f38242bc674224fb8a78be7
Was it ? I assumed it was 44 KHz quality (CD quality, which is optimum for human ears, there are better qualities out there but we' re incapable of hearing the difference), was it compressed lower than that ? If anything my TV speakers were butchering it, when I plugged earphones it suddenly felt like there was a whole orchestra in my room. I was under the impression the constraints Yoko Shimomura mentionned had more to do with the time, budget and tools she had back then than with the PS2 specs, especially the tools (not all the musics sounded orchestral, some obviously came out of a computer).
Forgot to post this last week : It explains why they arrested the guy and why they were cranked up to eleven, what with the armed roberry going on in the background. I still think they clearly could have handled this better (or just suck it up to begin with, as much of a dick as that guy was, shouldn' t the armed roberry kinda steal the show ?), though I now understand a little better where they' re coming from.
Sleep mode isn' t free, it needs electricity. You might not be the one paying the bills or you just don' t really pay attention, thinking it' d be cheap to think that way, but it' s not. I actually tested it out, this plus this plus that, over a whole year, it adds up real quick. If you' re wealthy enough to still not care, well, keep in mind the planet would say thanks. That' s why machines that only have a sleep mode are a big no no in Germany, they' re very concerned by ecology. Plus, as you' ve just been told, it worns your stuff out faster, the sleep mode is programmed obsolescence in all its glory. And yes, the longer a session goes and, as I' ve already told you, the more tasks you run at the same time, the more chances for a bug or a conflict to pop up. To make an analogy, the sleep mode is really the "stop moving (but not thinking) mode", a computer needs to be shut off to actually "sleep" (even if you turn it back on immediately or just reset it, that does the trick). I get that sometimes stuff happens, we have to leave in a hurry, we fall asleep or something, but if you do have two seconds to spare to turn your computer off properly then you should do it, sleep modes just have too many downsides for the few seconds of waiting they (might, apparently) spare you.
I see. That' s basically why I traded that PS2 3D Castelvania for DMC3. It' s just that the sets and the musics are half the Castelvania charm for me and, since the LoS demo looked like they finally managed to cook a 3D Castelvania that doesn' t look like utter crap compared to the 2D ones, I thought it could be worth checking in spite of its (probably) completely forgetable gameplay. Now that you mention it, I did see some screenshots in the reviews that didn' t exactly scream Castelvania. Oh, and I forgot to say I also played the demo of the other PS3 Castelvania game, the 2D one with Alucard, Soma, Jonathan etc ... It' s sort of a mix between Metroidvanias and classic Castelvanias, made with multi-player in mind. It looks loads of fun if you have friends to play it with (you can play it solo, but it' s obviously not nearly as fun).
The QTEs quickly got on my nerves, but otherwise it looked like it could be a decent beat' em all. It' s that bad ?
Lack of activity ? Sounds ... paranormal.
That' s what my physics teacher told us, the one who took us on a trip to visit a nuclear plant. I' m not terribly anxious to check that out empirically.
Easy peasy, just convert everything in Celsius degrees.
Castelvania 2 was already a Metroidvania, there was no exp but there was money, it was all one huge world and you needed specific items to reach some areas. It was their first try, so it ended up being a guide dang it game. Overall I like the Metroidvanias more, though I also enjoy playing the masochistic ones once in a while (I finally finished Dracula X Chronicles and Castelvania Chronicles last year). I haven' t finished any 3D Castelvania yet though. The N64 ones looked as lame and broken as the legend says. The one on PS2 that I tried was basically a 3D Metroidvania, it was decent but since its graphics and gameplay weren' t exactly awesome I just sold it back to get DMC3 instead. The one on PS3 looks much more enjoyable, from what I could tell playing the demo, but I have a hunch I' d still prefer 2D Metroidvanias.
You could go for the tinfoil look, tinfoil stops the Betas. A simple tinfoil panty will do if you' re more worried about having kids someday than about maximizing your life expectancy. Paper is enough to stop the Alphas so yeah, not that much of a threat. For Gammas you' d need a one meter large wall of concrete, so I' m glad to hear you don' t have those. ... But then back when Chernobyl farted the medias here downplayed the facts an awful lot to avoid creating a panic, if I was you I' d try to get my mitts on a geyger counter.
I have no clue what Nomura said in Japanese, I wouldn' t understand a word of it anyway, but I concur with Fork, that' s pretty much what the French translation says. That statement isn' t necessarily incompatible with the series continuing beyond the Xehanort arc though. Could be Nomura being lucid about the originals usually ending up being considered to be the "main" ones (see Star Wars), could be there' ll never be any KH4 because the series will be rebranded Kingdom Hearts Z or something to clearly show it' s a new chapter (he did avoid giving numbers to the games he viewed as spin offs) ...
I wondered about that too, that sentence was just as vague in French and I see nothing hard about doing that either. It could mean it' d be hard to play with a girl in the sense that, if they end up adding one, she' d be missable like Yuffie in FF7 or hard to control, but again that sentence was super vague so take what I just said with a ton of salt.
Well I' ll be ... %$#$%^ !!! Took it from the other site, FFDream, which only had it in French. It took me three freaking hours to type it. XD
I translated the whole thing here.
SE kept it secret, but apparently visitors were in for a treat this year : Naoki Yoshida, Motomu Toriyama, Yoshinori Kitase and Tetsuya Nomura all took a plane for Paris to give a public conference and a bunch of private interviews. French forums haven' t put what they have online yet, but they' ve released a few snippets. FF XIV : Players can unlock a Lightning and a Snow costume in subquests, and the game also features a sequence involving a fight alongside Lightning herself. FFX-X2 : They' ve showed 2 min out of the 30 min bonus content. It' s an audio drama happening right after X2. You' ll have to complete both games to unlock it. Lightning Returns : The two vids they showed have already been posted in the appropriate thread. If any interesting detail pops up in interviews with Toryiama & Kitase I' ll also post it there. KH3-FFXV : No word on KH 3 yet, but Nomura confirmed that using cars to drive around in FFXV was still a thing (with all that happened to that title we can legitimately wonder whether what was said about it before still stands or not). He also said that the game becoming a full-fledged numbered entry has had consequences on its gameplay. The full interviews with Mr Nomura should be published shortly, I' ll translate them here as soon as I can.
Coming from Le Monde I' d be surprised to learn they made it all up. Look at what happened with Snowden, maybe it' s best to keep the snitch name hidden. I did notice there was close to no source in that article though. I' m not naive enough to swallow it all hook and sinker, but specifics aside by now I' m not naive enough to think it doesn' t all sound very likely either. I' ll just wait and see what that kick in the antfarm will reveal in the long run.
Lol I think you have the wrong god in mind, it' s one of the gods of the Fabula Nova Crystallis pantheon. Buniberzei I' d wager. That pantheon was supposed to be the only thing shared by the FNC games (Etro is still in the FFXV logo, despite its name change). That being said, the first XIII game wasn' t devoid of Christian analogies and criticisms. Too bad they did their best to conceal it and make it as cryptic as they possibly could (for instance in the first game the pantheon and creation myth were dumped in a 20 lines footnote, with half of its facts wrong to boot since it was narrated by humans centuries after the facts), choosing to focus on their usual done to death shonen cliché-fest drama instead. Xenogears didn' t sacrifice one for the other. I would post that FNC myth vid that SE released between XIII and XIII-2, but apparently SE has blocked almost every subtitled version out there, all I could find was the German version. Right, why wouldn' t you block the one thing that makes it all make sense to anyone who doesn' t speak Japanese ?
Bump ! I didn' t want to create a new thread just for that, but it looks like there are many big brothers. Okay who' s next ? My bet is on Great Britain.