I didn' t expect you to say something like this. It would be nice ? How ? For who ? The mum who' ll probably never ever read this thread (and that' s assuming she gives a flying **** about anyone' s grief but her own right now) ? Knowing the how and why it happened on the other hand might help you to prevent this to ever happen to your kids. I think most people give their condolences just because they' ve been told it' s the right thing to do. Sorry, the "nice" thing to do. It' s just useless etiquette to me. Doesn' t bring back the dead, never diminished my pain, and if it' s sincere it' s written all over your face anyway.
"Recently found out that you're into HunterxHunter which I have fallen in love with. I don't know anyone else online who really knows what it is."...
I never ever go on e-bay so I' m not sure which games are or aren' t valuable/rare. If I go by what' s been said here then I own Xenoblade Chronicles and Metroid Prime Trilogy (both in stellar condition, bought them 30 euros each), and Castelvania SOTN, I borrowed it from a friend who also borrowed it from someone else I never met, but when I tried to give it back my friend said I could keep it, which left me utterly (but happily) confused. I have all the Siren games (apparently Forbidden Siren 2 wasn' t even released in the US) and Odin Sphere (got a hunch there aren' t many copies out there). I also have a bunch of Squaresoft import US games for PS1 (Xenogears, Chrono Cross, Legend Of Mana etc ...) which I guess are nothing special in the US but are ****ing rare here. It took me years to find a SH3 copy, and as it turned out the one I finally found almost always crashes when you try to open one of the doors in the hospital (a door that leads to key items of course, it' s not funny otherwise T-T), I think PAL Silent Hills 1 to 4 are all pretty rare. I never found any SH1 copy, but I do own SH4 and SH2 Special Edition (the one with the making of DVD). I saw Persona 4 in my usual store laying around for two weeks, back when it was released, but I never saw any copy anywhere again, so I think PAL versions might be pretty rare. Same goes for Re-Coded btw. Chrono Trigger DS didn' t even reach my usual store, apparently there were few copies here so not all stores got it, I had to buy mine in a bigger town. As for oldies there' s a NES and a Gameboy collecting dust at my parents'. Problem is my dad lend them left and right and now nearly all the games are nowhere to be found (which included Megaman 2,3,4 and 5, I' m stuck with Solstice).
Those threads were already dying out when I joined , but they sparked my interest for religious debates . It was the first time I ever heard about creationism and it looked ****ing hilarious. I mostly remember (and miss) Pika (who btw suspected me to really be Patsy Stone, but nope, obviously). I also reread a few of those threads a while back, my posts had so much nonsense I had to fight the urge to edit them all. XD
Oh don' t take me wrong, genes do set the stage to some degree, hormonal differences are indeed liinked to the X/Y gene and they do impact our emotionnal responses. The thing is, in some areas genes do not set everything in stone because our experiences are just as determinant (if not more, go figure). Personnality (brain development in general) would be one of those areas. If you focus solely on genes you' ll miss half the picture. I wasn' t under the impression you were saying that women are feeble or that it' s all about strength, I was adressing your assertion that some of those differences (the propention to protect for instance) are set in stone. They' re rigged to some degree by genes, true, but rigged enough that it "can' t be helped" ? I wouldn' t bet on it given how few evidence I' ve seen to back that up.
I' ve already posted a video answer to Part 1 in another thread, and the one Weeaboo posted is just as pertinent, so here' s a response to Part 2 (which somehow managed to be even more self-contradictory than Part 1) : To me it' s the same as blaming video games for violence : once you see the trope for what it is, just a trope, it can' t harm you in any way. Teaching kids to think critically about what they watch is up to their parents and teachers, not video games. It might just be clumsy wording on your part, but just in case ... it' s fine for you to believe in whatever you happen to believe in, but when you start stating your beliefs out as fact, to put it shortly and bluntly, "proof or indistinguishable from bullshit". That being said, though my approach is more rational I' m quite fascinated by that topic myself. Yes, man have more muscles, women have breasts, and gender specification trends can be observed again and again throughout various societies all across History. However brute strength doesn' t necessarily gives you a decisive advantage in a fight (what about, say, agility and speed ?), men can now buy milk at the nearest convenience store, and for all we know most of those trends might have emerged completely randomly anyway, Let me illustrate that last point : let' s say I rolled a dice ten times in a row and came up with seven sixes, does that make six the likeliest number for you to roll with that dice ? No, all the numbers have about the same odds to show up but statistics won' t necessarily mirror that fact. The lower their scope the more unreliable they are, even with a huge ass sample pool chances are you' ll still find discrepencies between the theoretical odds and the actual known results. Long story short, are some behaviors or personnality traits likelier to emerge in a XX or XY individual ? Maybe, maybe not, as far as I know the scientific jury' s still up on that one (not for lack of exploring this very topic for centuries).
Good idea ! On a side note, could people posting embedded videos put them in spoiler tags please ? When there are too many vids on the same page it takes forever to load on my PS3, if it doesnt crash midway that is. Grave Encounters Grave Encounters 2 Rec Rubber Scream 4 The Grudge The Ring If you like asian horror movies just type "full asian horror movies" in the search bar, you' ll quickly find large movie playlists. And btw if you' re fluent in several languages it broadens your options when you' re trying to find a particular movie. For intance when I failed to find Evil Dead 3 in English I tried to find it in French or Spanish, turns out there is indeed a Spanish version out there. Also, here' s a movie you' d probably never ever look for on your own : The controversy of Valladolid It is based on a historical papal trial held in the 16th century to, I kid you not, decide whether indians were humans or animals. Although it takes quite a few liberties with the facts (for instance the pope had actually already delivered his verdict at the time this movie takes place), it gives an insightfull look into the moral debates slavery sparked all across Europe. The subtitles are clearly perfectible, but they' re good enough to get by.
I was on a beach, standing up on the lower end of a slide, chatting with my lil sis. Some smartass kid I hadn' t noticed threw a bucket of water on the slide to make it real slidy, and aimed at my feet with his. A half salto and a landing right on my skull later, it only took a few seconds for my whole back to turn bloody red. My sis went hysteric, trying her best to shed as much tears as I was shedding blood or something, and the smartass went poof like a true (but quite livid) ninja. As for me I just left, walking aimlessly in what I can only describe as a zombified state of mind, I wasn' t feeling any pain. I suppose my sis went back to my mum and warned her, she eventually found and grabbed me to the nearest doctor who sewed me right back without anaesthetics. Good times !
Franck, I think we' ve just found our cereal killer.
Well first I can' t really fathom why anyone would care either way (I know you do, I just don' t have a clue why), and second my PC' s dead. I' ve...
I don' t have any music library per say, just a few CDs. My PSP aside I don' t have any MP3 player nor do I want one, lately I' ve just searched whatever songs I wanted to listen on you-tube. One of the few CDs I own is Beetlejuice. I love Danny Elfman, sometimes I pop one of the Spiderman movies in my DVD player just for their music. As for you-tube searches ... Star Wars, Fringe, Battlestar Galactica, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, you name it.
I' m not sure that' s what you' re getting at but, in case you' re implying Nintendo would keep suporting a product no matter how hard it flops as long as they turn a profit overall ... remember the Virtual Boy ? Yeah, me neither. If they keep wasting significant amounts of money on the Wii U no matter what, or on any other system for that matter, chances are they will discontinue it. As far as I know the N64 and the GC kept oscillating between small profit and small losses, so it made sense to keep running along with them (I assume they turned a profit on the long run anyway, and besides discontinuing them would have had bad consequences for Nintendo' s image). I did think the Wii U was taking the N64/GC road at first, getting there slowly but surely, but given these sales charts I' m seriously starting to wonder wether it' s taking the Virtual Boy ramp or not.
I' ve lived in a touristic spot as well for 20 years, I think it' s a win-win scenario. Sure, tourists can be a little on edge, spending the whole day on the road with two kids on the back and a lousy GPS will do that to you, but they spend a lot of money locally (despite the prices bordering insanity) and when comes the time to party or have random encounters on the beach you' re glad they' re here. Once you know the drill it' s not that hard to get by. As PaW said living in, say, Paris is 24/7 worse. A childhood friend of mine moved to Hell A with her husband a few years ago, she told me having to drive around for hours just to find a place to park is a daily nightmare there, it nearly drove them both insane. XD
^ I get what you' re saying about Skyrim, I only played Oblivion and, though it looked fun at first, it quickly got boring : yay, I found a fifth grotto. With vampires. More vampires. And that' s it. Now what to do. I could ... err ... steal their plates. And sell them. Can' t wait for the next grotto *yawn*, why am I here again ? Yet between this extreme and the other I think there' s a balance to be found. Xenoblade Chronicles is every bit as linear as FF X or XIII if you look at its general organization, but its cells are convoluted and big enough to make us forget we' re in jail. I' d say it' s bigger than FF XII, but with much more stuff to do and find than FF XII (I did like FF XII but a lot of people complained it was gratuitously huge). I just feel Zelda has now reached the other extreme. A single look at the environment and you already know the one thing you' re supposed to do. Using the same objects and cues over and over probably doesn' t help. I don' t know if you read that big-ass long article that I linked, but although it paints its picture with a big wide brush to try and get its point across (just as I did) it often describes things exactly as I see them, or rather feel them. Zelda is supposed to be an action-adventure game, it pretty much defined the genre, but whatever. As you said, there again there' s a balance to be found. Problem is that balance isn' t the same for everyone. I wouldn' t call the first two Zeldas punishing. Ten years old me knew the first Zelda game well enough to wipe it out in four hours. Now Castelvania was punishing, broken even, but not Zelda. I don' t think myself to be a particularly gifted player, but I can tell when I' m being babied through the motions. Yes, yes, I know, there are still a few exciting moments here and there in the latest Zeldas, I' m still holding that big brush. I don' t think pushing a complete lack of challenge on everyone is any fairer than pushing a masochistic challenge on everyone. I wish they had a way to ask us what kind of difficulty we want when we start a new game. Oh wait, they do ! In that regard the Skyward Sword no-heart-refill new game plus mode was a stride in the right direction, I take it as a proof that Nintendo themselves noticed there' s a problem to address here.
1. If you have a screaming kid, leave the building. Especially if it's in a bookstore/library. You can't control the kid, you shouldn't be in...
I never post on Facebook, tumblr and such (I barely use them period, forums are pretty much the only on-line social mediums that I use) and have...
By the way, what does it mean that you are now "following" me ? You' ll be notified every single time I post something ?
Just a bad habbit. I do the same when I write but it' s not as blatant. I eventually found out that it was "incorrect", but it' s hard to suddenly...
I think that one is more politically incorect than unconventional, I have yet to meet anyone who, in practice, doesn' t agree with this. Who here doesn' t think some of, say, Hitler' s opinions were just a smoking pile of **** ? 1 and 9 would be the only ones in your list that I don' t share, which I' m afraid pretty much covers things up on my side. I' ll just add that I believe English is easier to learn than Spanish for someone French, and that it can be delicious to dip cheese in your coffee. I can' t wait to hear you ***** about them as a pedestrian. XD
FF VII ? There' s just one Genesis picture popping up when they ask if they' re looking into a CC or DoC remake, which is rather apropriate. I take it you meant VIII and what' s the deal with all those Triple Triad cards ? Triple Triad has had a life of its own beyond FF VIII, online multiplayer modes and real life augmented decks are now available. We can see the guys from FFDream and Finaland showing a few real cards to Toriyama and Kitase at 1:25. I don' t know who brought that up or why, but I could ask them if you really want to know.