I hadn' t thought about the supernova, that would probably engulf the Earth. It' s a no no either way. Goku could survive it though, worst case scenario he can teleport. Freezer wasn' t as strong as Goku or Cooler yet he blew out entire solar systems. Hell, Goku' s old master (Kame Senin aka Tortue GĂ©niale, no clue what his English name is) blew up the moon with a Kamehameha once (not to mention Arale did it several times by throwing rocks at it). Cartoon logic lol. ^^
I agree wholheartedly. They knew the constraints, they accepted, for better or worse it' s up to them to make it fly. That being said some of the issues could result from producers ingerance, which would shift the blame on them. I have no idea how controlling Roosterteeth is in that case though ... I just watched the first episode on youtube. It' s way too short for me to form an opinion about the story, I' ll just say I' m not hooked, but on a technical level I' d say it' s decent. Perfectible, but decent.
I think he meant that whenever she' s playing video games if you dare interrupt her she goes all Hulk on you. At least that' s what I gathered from his post. And if that is indeed the case ... ... yes, she might resist at first out of pride, but keep throwing increasing punishments her way and chances are she' ll give up long before you do. In that case I' d devise something like : First warning -> No more games for a week. Second warning -> No more games for a month. Third warning -> Erase her accounts/save files etc etc ... That being said I agree with you when you say that it' s their parents' role to dish out punishments, not his, and that getting rid of her tantrums won' t necessarily get her back to naively smiling all the time.
I think that' s a conversation you should have with your parents. You were unclear about that, but if they always let her royal highness get away with her tantrums with a mere slap on the wrist I doubt she' ll stop having them anytime soon. Alternatively you could try and find where that sudden bad temper is coming from, maybe she has problems at school or something, but then again she might be able to confide with your parents more easily than with you, you' d know that better than me.
The idea was that Goku could blow up Supe' s energy supply. I don' t know much about Superman either but I remember seeing him robbed of all of his powers in a few Smallville episodes, just because Zod had turned the sun red. Problem is blowing the sun would also spell most of Earth species' doom, so Goku would never do it. Alternatively Goku could just grab Supes and teleport on a planet where there' s no sun, or a planet full of Kryptonite, insta-win. If he knew someone living on such a planet that is, but I' m grasping at straws here. Goku loves challenges too much to do that anyway. But I digress, I' m in the same boat as you. I was just trying to guess what Menos Grande meant.
No it does make sense, it basically amounts to a dick size contest that completely misses the point. As long as people keep it civil (don' t get physical) I think it can be fun, whether they grasp and embrace the pettiness and futility of it all or not. Personnaly I' ve never liked watching football or whatever, not even when it comes to sports that I enjoy practicing myself, hardcore fans of any stripes are a complete mystery to me, and yet I can' t help reading that kind of thread when they pop up. Go figure ....
I vaguely heard of it, I' ve just looked it up. If Type 0 is compatible and it' s released in Europe at about the same price as in Japan it would be perfect for me. I' ll wait and see ...
He also killed King Piccolo and his minions, he even ate one of them if memory serves. And he killed a bunch of vilains in OAVs. It counts as cheating if that' s what you meant, but legally (lol) the kill is on Goku nonetheless, that energy didn' t throw itself at Buu. I think he meant Goku is strong enough to blow the sun up. Though he wouldn' t do it.
US Gamer posted the whole interview with Tabata. So basically the magic 8 ball from their Western offices weren' t predicting sales figures big enough to their tastes so they thought **** it, we' ll just wait and see if the Vita park grows bigger than the PSP park someday. I have zero interest for Agito, mobile/social games aren' t exactly my cup of tea, but since its existence is now apparently the only reason that makes them seriously consider releasing Type 0 on the Vita despite its crappy park (#unmodifiedhonesty) I' m suddenly glad they' re making Agito. ... Though I suspect I won' t be able to afford a Vita for a veeeery long time. T-T
There you go. They can all regenerate and communicate with each other via bluetooth. You' re welcome.
I never understood that excuse. Sure, the PSP had just been discontinued, but there were still as many PSP owners out there as when they released BBS a few months before, they didn' t go poof. PSP games were still on the shelves of every retailer out there, hell, they still are at my local store. Despite the piracy issues on that console if I am to believe those BBS sales figures, though they aren' t astronomical, they don' t look worth sneezing at either and were more than doubled outside of Japan. Type 0 seemed to have as much sex appeal for fans than BBS, so what goes ? I assume they had to choose their priorities since releasing a game costs money (as profitable as you know that game would be) and SE was kinda broke back then. That' s the only way to put it that makes sense to me.
Wet fur me, ima commin !
Reminds me of what I felt the first time I was truly confronted with death. One of my father' s friends, whose kids my sisters and I were friends with, stumbled to his death in the Alps. When we heard the news it plunged my whole familly in a sort of catatonic state. There was no tears, we barely exchanged a word, and none of us ate anything that evening. It's not that I was sad per se, I barely knew the guy, it just threw me into a meditative introspection about mortality. I already knew we all have an expiration date, but I hadn' t really thought about it up until that moment. I didn' t have suicidal thoughts, but I did contemplate the idea of my own death. So as far as I can tell your mood right now is perfectly normal, that' s grief. Dealing with the death of one of the most important people in my life turned out to be much more traumatic though, I was a mess. I hope your mum exams turn out OK (incidentally my mum is in the same boat right now).
My favorite character was, by far, Quina. Her Blue magic makes her a one woman army. Zidane was just good for stealing, which makes him a must have in pretty much every boss batle (we can' t get him out of the team anyway, which sucks). As for the other two, depends who it is I' m going to fight : either two characters that can deal 9999 damage quickly (Steiner and Amarant for instance since Amarant can refill anyone' s MP) or two characters who can absorb a lot of damage (usually Freya and Dagga, Freya' s regen on the whole team is quite useful when combined with long ass summons and Dagga has the longest summons, not to mention her transe surprise summons). Vivi' s 9999 damage move is long, but not as long as summons. His double 9999 damage trance makes him a good alternative when I' m looking for quick damage dealers though.
Robin should totally have called back Jimmy Kimmel and Guillermo, they put on a much better show. XD I share C' s confusion, I don' t get what the hullabaloo is about. This wouldn' t fart a single blip on anyone' s radar here. I' ve seen Madonna pull off crazier stuff when I was a kid and I' ve turned out just fine.
Just a person who nonetheless happens to play video games, whatever his motives to play them are. Don' t hardcore players make up their own rules all the time ? I mean, in a cinema audience some people get half their fun by gossiping all along. Some couldn' t care less about the movie and just tagged along their familly or friends. They might not qualify as movie afficionados, but it doesn' t make them any less of a movie goer and the marketing departments definitely target them. I' d even say they' ve become their main target, and since the video game industry seems hell bent on following Hollywood' s footsteps ... Just look at Mario Kart, the game is designed so that a little luck can make up for your lack of skills. And if you' re that terrible at driving you can just say **** it and get your kicks at driving backwards, spamming shells and bananas around, without ruining anyone else' s fun. Mario Kart might not be your average "hardcore gamer" cup of tea, depending on how you define it, but it sure sells truckloads of copies.
The only point of their name choice that is immediately apparent to anyone reading it is to be unique, allowing them to be easily identified, beyond that it' s just whatev. Hell, considering the number of members here who change their name every Thursday I' d say some people don' t even care about that. I go by Patman wherever I go, but I didn' t chose it to also convey the fact that I' m (probably) male, though it is a side effect. You know, don' t judge a book by its cover, yaddy yaddy yadda. Maybe those girls couldn' t care less what their name is and picked the first thing that went through their mind. Maybe it' s a more or less obvious reference (I' ve come across a Harry'sGirl on a Silent Hill forum). Maybe it' s a pun, like mine, who knows ? Or maybe they did pick it to draw attention. Maybe to them the video game is just a pretext, the real show being the social interractions that go with it. As Shakespeare puts it "All the world' s a stage". So here' s the three million dollars question : does that make them any less of a gamer ?
I remember loosing to my sister and one of our female friends on a NES game once, back when I was a teenager. Couldn' t find the exit or something. They were taunting me about it, and I cracked them up by replying "well how the hell do you expect me to compete against feminine intuition ?" I' ve been an IT student and I' ve also learned CG for a while. There were very few female students in both schools, and that' s an understatement. I hardly think it can be explained away by a biased candidacy screening, those careers just don' t seem to attract girls for some reason. When it comes to playing however, in my experience, girls play video games as much as boys, boys being more prone to really get into it. My experiences don' t necessarily match the global statistics though, but if I am to believe the statistics I' ve seen it' s indeed 50/50, girls being more attracted to social/casual games overall. Whether I think back about my childhood or look at my lil cousins now I can' t think of one example of a girl (or a boy for that matter) being mocked for liking video games. Cheek in tongue taunting, sure, but plain backlash, nope.
We did notice long before that, but you paint it as a black and white thing. I wish it was, I really do. Say we do wipe the floor with Al Assad, what then ? Who takes control ? The rebels ? That' s just a rather vague umbrella term to design everyone who' s against him, a ragtag group of diverse interests, some of those being real shady. That' s what' s really depressing about the Middle East, fighting there feels like fighting a ****ing hydra : cut one head and two more heads sprout, allow a country to have a democratic election and they might end up with a theocracy. Besides, the colonial era has left quite a shameful stain in French history books, being Lebanese you should know a little something about that. It' s the whole "teach a man how to fish, don' t feed him" dilemma, where do you draw the line between helping and assisting ? When we send weapons rather than troops more often than not they' re turned against innocents a while later. When we send troops it means guaranteed casualties, in exchange for a rather unpredictable result. Finally, although some emotional appeal (like "those bastards have used chemical weapons on civilians") remains to this day the most efficient tool to get civilians to call for a military intervention, we also want conclusive evidence that those claims are true, but so far what few evidence I' ve seen of that smells like a hoax (I could source that if you want me to). So ... there, I understand your frustration but I hope now you understand why we' re so reluctant to act impulsively. Oh and one last thing, the geopolitical nuances of the Middle East are a head scratcher for the public at large here, including me, that' s why it' s really hard for me to formulate an educated opinion on what we should do : I' m uninformed, possibly misinformed, and that' s the only thing I' m sure of in that picture. Since you' re an insider, I' d be really glad to hear you explain what the different factions and interests involved are, because when I see something like this I just go "huh ?". Edit : speaking of "who should I trust", I just stumbled upon this : http://www.mintpressnews.com/witnes...supplied-rebels-with-chemical-weapons/168135/