I did, and so I asked how the new comp was XD How are you?
Hola, wazza? Hows the new comp? :D
PM sent, if need be I can just set it up for you via team viewer XD
Jake is Unfortunitly having computer problems. He told me to tell you he had to go lol.
Here, give me a sec. http://www.tinkernut.com/2010/07/07/hack-google-voice-for-free-calls/
Would you mind just texting? XD I dont want to waste minutes XD
I did, you wont be able to do it for a few days. I am nearly done setting up instructions. I would be done by now, but the last step is important,...
lol Why did he do that? XD He wanted more space? XD
Ah. I suggest Microsoft word. Spell check is included XD
lol Yea... There were a few mistakes XD What did you use that you didn't have spell check? Notepad?
Not bad :)
lol Dang, you had my hopes up XD Okay, I will start to PM you the stuff now :)
Yes, that one is the one I use :D Supposedly you can also just use a ps2/ps3 adapter, but I myself suggest that adapter. It should come with a...
However if it was the ****** then i would have laughed my ass off and said Karma's a b!tch XD I also found out that the dog was also an attack...
Yes, I have used it with pcsx2, I have tried it with no$gba (Game boy and DS emulator) and it rejected it, not sure about the psp emulator...
Unpatched meaning as is in Japanese, Patched meaning in English (Final mix of anything never was sent to America, so its all in Japanese)...
It may or may not work but its worth a shot, you shouldn't need one because the controller cord makes up in length, and yes, I would be happy to...
Oh god, that would have been absolutely perfect XD But sadly not. The pooch ended up going through my bag. I walk back into the classroom to...
OH MY GOD YES!!!! :D:D lol That there is what I call timing XD I was hoping to at least provoke a response with that one if you weren't on XD...
....It involves drugs... XD