Ah. Today I downloaded the kh 3d sound track :D
Shouldnt be that hard. Question though. If you can download off of mediafire, why am I doing it? XD
lol I have only had one and only one job in my careeer as a deadpool. But it was a decent job, I took down a mod :D http://www.kh-vids.net/converse.php?u=16558&u2=44142 I would be happy to help out in your plan for KH domination, Reinpool :)
Sweet :D And I know they couldn't let you buy it, that's why I guessed it when you said found lol.
A web cam?
lol Your my friend, aren't you? And didn't you just say my friends are just plain weird? XD So in a way I am just restating what you said XD
That's a tough one :/ I always enjoyed just going to boomerang and watching the classics :) But I guess my favorite was Scooby Doo :)
Yea, I am going with a god portion of the rest of the replies and say it was money well spent XD
lol I know you don't I? The wierdness speaks for itself XD Oh, by the way. Did you know it takes a really long time to go through 111 emails? XD...
Send you a pic of what? My friend? lol Sure, I guess if she will let me XD For some unknown reason I have a habit of making friends with camera...
I have actually offered, but after she nearly destroyed her computer with viruses and trojans (not my doing by the way, this was before I met her...
Well technically I will be able to text but I will probably be preoccupied lol. I will be at school at games club hanging out with my friend. I...
lol Yours. I wouldn't be telling you if I was doing my own stuff over yours XD lol Le sweet :) I however wont be on tomorrow if they do come in....
(damn, then I cant easily make you admin XD) Kay, that's all my questions. Sorry for late responses, doing AMV stuff. So how long till the...
Well if need be we can put team viewer on it lol. That is where the USB would com in. Okay, I lied XD one last question. What does it run? Windows...
Two more questions and then I am done XD 1. do you have to give the computer back when the semester is over? 2. Do you have a USB?
lol No downloads is kinda a restriction XD So basically all it can do is browse the web and work with files you already have?
lol It shouldn't be too hard to understand XD However, you still have not answered my question lol. On your computer, are you restricted on what...
They sent you a stationary computer? Umm.... Why? XD lol I would think they would just go with a laptop, take your schoolwork with you XD And...
I am pretty good, I got to come home early lol. So, wats the new laptop like? Whats it run, whats it have, what privileges do you have, ESPLAIN! XD