Search Results

  1. adamboy7
  2. adamboy7
    Sweet! Fire is open! May I have it?

    Name: Blaze
    Self Proclaimed Title: King of Fire
    Username: Adamboy7
    Type Chosen: Fire
    Sprite Picture:
    Starter: Tepig
    HM Slave: *need to find when home*
    Game Cartridge: Pokemon White
    Roster: (Updated as you progress in the game)
    Location: Route 1

    Also, I am cool with making a new game, I am going to use an emulator. May I bring pokemon in from other games and I am assuming hacking is frowned upon and not allowed?
    Post by: adamboy7, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. adamboy7

    A bit of this, at least till I found my friends XD Then it would be a complete and total party from there lol.
    Post by: adamboy7, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. adamboy7
  5. adamboy7
  6. adamboy7
  7. adamboy7
  8. adamboy7
  9. adamboy7
  10. adamboy7
  11. adamboy7
  12. adamboy7
    Luxord: Well then, do I get any wishes? *walks through portal* *sticks head through portal* *Calls dog* Here boy! *goes to ship, portal open*
    Post by: adamboy7, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  13. adamboy7
  14. adamboy7
  15. adamboy7
  16. adamboy7
  17. adamboy7
  18. adamboy7
    The first thing is my good buddy Krown, he is canadian, then the flag, then the maple leaf, then the maple tree, then hockey, maple syrup, this vid:


    Then Kurly? or Kurling? (Sorry, american over here), then snow, then thanksgiving since it is at a different date up north, and yea. Not much else lol. Just my convo's with Krown from there lol.

    Oh, and then... Bieber.... Shanan Tweed (Gene Simmons's girlfriend, singer in Kiss), and yea. I am sad Bieber came before Tweed T.T

    And how could I forget Night of Nights?!?!? NON is awesome! :D She is from Canada as well.
    Post by: adamboy7, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. adamboy7
  20. adamboy7