who is Crazy Pete?
I have better drawnings, and I could make new ones, if you'd like... I still need to get them uploaded anyway...
Uhm, I want to make Shadow (From the story) my new chara... Is that possible?
Sorry, i was bussy, u can come back now...
Ah, the chara? I think I wanted to change that one...
I know, so no worries...
Yes, I can ^^
So, how's your life?
I told you, It's just that I havn't read trough the whole story yet, so the holes might get fixed, I'll tell you if it's not clear to me...
Well, Yeah, I see some holes, but they might get explained futher in the story...
I'm doing fine! How are you doing?
Nah some problems, nothing to serious....
Sorry, I didn't have much time....
at school , mostly
Cody!!!!! I missed u! :3
Hey there!
Hey there, I hope you"ll recieve the reqeust! ^^
There's no one there right now....
You know what's the worst thing? They destoyed the museum...:( And the one who did it were police agents...
Meh not really....