I'm there now, sorry I wasn't there, I think I;m on at the wrong time....
Is that good or bad, I think it's rather cold...
Ohey! how are you?
If your friend is that ill, you should stay close to her. About your friends, do not choose sides, let them fight, they'll stop eventually. And you're girlfriend, don't judge to soon, but if you do have clear evidence, let her go...
Wait, i'm almost a day ahead of you, that's weird. So how are you doing? Need to go to school today?
I'm all on my own right now...
It's morning? Lucky you, what day is it, I am almost finished with school, and it's as boring as always....
I'm fine, and you?
Oh wait, that's just wrong...
Ohai again! How are you doing?
Hey there!
No problem, but I'm still at school at the moment.... I really hate this...
I just heard about how my family is living right now. My grandma can't get food. My nephews and nieces are out on the streets and my uncle's store is completly destroyed. My dad probably want's to go home right now...
Can I send you a pm?
A there are a few problems... Uhm, one of them is that I'm ill
U can't, how come?
Yeah, they are, I could share some if you'd like to know....
I'll send them as soon as possible, okay?
How are you doing?
Aww, sad, anyway, when your one again, leave me a message, ok?