Break, like a little vacation?
Yeah he is...
Oh, okay, Good luck! I'll cheer for u!
17.00 sis, like always... Writing a story about Shadow...
You shouldn't whine, youre at home...
Asked u the same thing, XP, I'm doing okay...
YO!, How are you doing?
Aww, anyway, talk to you later...
Yes please! Do you have Twittar BTW?
Spoiler Uhm, beatin Terra with Aqua?
Okay, I will also send u the story I'm writing right now, k?
Recieved the PM?
Okay!, (starts writing) but it will take a while...
Mid terms? (dont know what ure talking about)
Hey there! Here's me again!, how are you doing?
Ow, hey, ure online, and I can write a little story bout him for u! (if u like...)
Hi there! How are you doing?