Can I join?:) Name: Lync Age: 18ish Gender: male Special Program Name: A.B.A.S. (AUTOMATIC BOW and ARROW + SWORD) Special Program effects: Looks like a metal cylinder with two small buttons. Press one button, and it turns into a bow which shoots light arrows. The other button turns it into a long sword. Appearance: Blonde hair to down to just below his chin. Navy blue eyes and pointed ears. His skin is pale from lack of sunlight. He has great speed and agility. Description: His dad is a genetics scientist, which is how he “accidentally†has pointed ears. His dad is obsessed with his work so he doesn’t notice how his son spends days locked up in his bedroom. Lync doesn’t have a mother to tell him to finish school (he just stopped going after Jr. High) or go outside once in awhile. He likes to make computer programs and different kinds of high-tech weapons. Lync doesn’t have any friends; he didn’t have any even when he went to school. You can imagine how great his people skills are. Oh one more thing, the government’s intelligent service secretly hired him to develop different weapons for his country. This is why he trained with martial arts experts for his “protection€.
I think the X stands for when they became a Nobody. Example: Zexion is Ienzo rearranged, just Zexion has an X Xemnas is Ansem rearranged, just Xemnas has an X Silly Sora :D
Zexion sighed with relief. We are finally here. He portalled out of the bus beside Saix. "Thank you for driving," He said. He looked at Xigbar with surprise, "I actually don't know where the bus came from." Zexion saw a huge crowd in front of the gates and he groaned. "They are so loud,"Zexion complained. He turned and saw Sora and company standing by the gates too. "I wonder what they are doing here?" Zexion wondered.
"Thanks, Saix,"Zexion said. He layed back in his seat and looked out the window. This is going to be a very long day.
"I could try and look up a cure in the library," Zexion offered. Zexion sneezed yet again. A copy of Roxas appeared and charged at him with his Keyblade. Zexion sidestepped the copies attack, but tripped and fell. "Stupid cold," he said mumbled and pulled out his book. The copy stopped suddenly and looked at Zexion, who is still on the floor. Zexion looked at Saix,"I can't control the copy! I can't even get rid of it without sneezing!"
"I would, Saix, but I think I look too young to drive, even though I read about how to drive a bus," Zexion said just as something else occured to him. He frowned. "Also, I don't think I am tall enough to reach the pedals," Zexion grumbled, hating how short he was.
"Have you checked with Vexen? Maybe he has a cure," Zexion said, grateful he didn't sneeze. "I can't wait to get well, and I hope it's soon," Zexion thought.
The Zexion copy looked at Saix, and then at the actual Zexion. He blinked. The copy smiled menacingly and swung his fist at Zexion. Zexion ducked easily and turned around to face Saix. "It seems as though whenever I sneeze, a copy of someone appears in a flash of light, but when I sneeze again, the copy-" Zexion sneezed and the Zexion copy was gone, "- disappears."
"I slept okay, but stayed up a little late, reading of course," Zexion replied. Zexion was about to say something else, but then another thought came to mind, "Hey, Saix, who is going to drive?"
Zexion pondered this for a moment. "Okay, that is fine with me. You seem tired, maybe you could sleep on the bus, if Demyx won't wake you up again,"Zexion said. "Should we start to walk to the bus? Afterall, there are only a few more minutes before we have to leave the Castle." Zexion stifled a yawn. The mention of sleep was starting to make him tired too.
"I wish it was already over, too, but we can't go without the others because Demyx and Roxas want the whole Organization to go," Zexion sighed."Maybe we should wait by this bus or should we just teleport all together?"
Zexion was about to tell Saix about the copy of Marluxia, but he sneezed again and it disappeared. "Did you see that, Saix?" Zexion exclaimed. Zexion waited for an answer, but when Saix didn't say anything he got a little annoyed. Zexion was about to hit him over the head with his book, but then remembered that Saix couldn't talk. "Oh, right! You can't talk! Well I thi-"Zexion didn't get to finish his sentence because at that moment he sneezed. A copy of himself appeared in a flash of light. "Not again," Zexion groaned.
Zexion covered his ears, but stumbled because the floor vibrated from Saix''s loud voice. After picking himself up off the ground, Zexion laughed and said, "I don't think anyone is asleep anymore! Great job Saix," Zexion stood there waiting to see what would happen next.
At least all the Organization members have gotten voted for so no one feels left out and unwanted! :D (Still votes to save Zexion)
lol, it still good. :D
Zexion smelled Saix up ahead. He turned the corner and saw Saix standing there. "Hey Sa-" He cut off. He had just realized how mad Saix looked. "I do not want to talk to him when he seems like that,"Zexion thought,"but maybe he knows if we can go now or not." Zexion sighed and walked up to Saix,"Do you know if we can go now, or do we still have to wake the other members?"
Zexion laughed. "That is just like Demyx," Zexion said."Wait! We are taking a bus? Why don't we teleport there together instead of taking a bus? Ah, well, if Demyx wants to then I guess that's okay," Zexion started walking down the hallway again, towards the other members' rooms to see if anyone else is ready to go.
Also, I don't quite get the part where Marluxia is suddenly a Nobody. What exactly happened there?
"Roses! So you are not feeling good, either?" Zexion said as he brushed the flowers off. Zexion sneezed. There was a flash of light and a Marluxia copy appeared beside the actual Nobody. "Marly, look out!" Zexion exclaimed.
Zexion heard noises in Luxord's room. He knocked on the door. "Luxord, are you ready to go? Saix and Demyx are awake, but I am not sure about the others. We have to go in ten minutes so I hope they are awake," Zexion said through the door. "This is going to be a long day," Zexion said to himself.