OOC: It was copy of Zexion and it is trying to kick Xemnas! BIC: Zexion sighed, but didn't notice Xigbar. "I can't believe this. I have the worst luck ev-" He sneezed. The copy disappeared. I have to find a cure!
OOC: Ah! So we are rp for the new version of Willy Wonka, right? BIC: Zexion looked at the smoking puppets. "That was so uninteresting. I hope the tour will be much better, or I am going home."
Zexion was about to talk when he sneezed a couple times. There was a flash of light and two copies of himself appeared. "What!? Isn't one supposed to disappear?" He exclaimed. The two copies looked at each other and then swung at the original Zexion. "I hate this cold! I am going t-" Zexion sneezed again, but only one disappeared, while the other tried to kick Xemnas. Zexion was not having a good day.
"I'm not sure about killing Vexen, but I will go research a cure. I'm not promising I can find one, though!" Zexion called after Saix. To the others he said, "Anybody want to come help me?"
Zexion covered his ears, "A theme song! What next? Puppets doing a dance number?" He rolled his eyes.
"Np, Saix, another one of you isn't that bad, its just I can't control them," Zexion said. "I wonder when we will ever be cured because this is terrible."
"Thanks Roxas for getting rid of the copy." Zexion laughed, "Poor Marluxia! Roxas I think whenever you sneeze a portal opens up and sucks someone in! I'm glad I don't have what you hav-" He sneezed. There was a flash of light and a Saix copy appeared. "On second thought, Roxas, I would be glad to trade my sickness with yours anytime," Zexion grumbled.
"All the candy I can eat? Yum..." Zexion said. His eyes started to get glossy as he started to daydream of all that candy.
Lync observed his surroundings. So this is Cyber World. Lync was standing in a virtual field that was surrounded by trees. As he went closer to the trees, Lync realized everything was dead. Branches were cracked, like the nutrients were sucked right out of them. The weather here was calm, but it carried a whisper of danger. Lync shivered and summoned his program. He pressed a button and it changed into his sword. So this is where my training is going to come in handy. He gripped his weapon tighter and went into the forest of dead trees.
This seems like a very interesting rp!:D Wish I could join right now, but I'm a little busy. Could I join later?
Hiya!:D This is my first post in my first forum family! Yay!:D oh, um, I've been reading a couple pages and, about the issue of people trying to get Catch the Rain banned, I think that is horrible because Catch the Rain is a very nice person! Anyways, just saying Hi! :p
Lync heard the front door slam. What now? It had been half an hour since James had come and Lync was going to into Cyber World in about 30 minutes. He didn't want any more interruptions. He carefully made his way down the stairs. Lync went into the front hallway and saw his dad wearily taking off his coat and hanging it up. What is my dad doing home so early? “Dad, what are you doing here so early? Usually you get home around 10pm,†Lync asked. His dad turned and looked at his son. His eyes didn’t seem to focus on Lync, “What? Oh yes, of course. I forgot something at home and needed to come here to get it. I wasn’t expecting you here. Aren’t you supposed to be in school?†Lync was extremely annoyed. Of course, his dad just forgot something. What was he expecting? Instead of answering his dad, Lync went back up to his room and slammed the door. I can’t afford anymore interruptions if I want to enter the Cyber World tonight! Lync sat down at his desk and continued his preparations. OOC: Seriously, how am I to make my character enter Cyber world? Is it from his computer? Does he need to open a special program?
Zexion observed his surroundings. "There are a lot of people who won golden tickets," he thought. Zexion saw Saix talking to Sora and a girl. He walked over to them and asked, "Does anybody know what is going to happen?"
OOC: this is the second part of the beginning of my character. Also, how could I describe my character entering the Cyber World? BIC: Lync woke up. He was lying on a bus bench, which is where he fell asleep. Lync walked home, but when he reached the front of his house, a black car was there. This plain car wouldn't have caught his attention if it was parked somewhere else, but he recognized the logo on the license plate. The symbol was for the higher-ups in the government company he worked at, and it was parked right in front of his house. He groaned. What did they want now? Lync walked through the door and saw one of his co-workers sitting on the couch in the living room. "Ah, Agent James! What can I do for you?" Lync said with a false smile. "Where is your dad, giving more people pointed ears?" James asked, avoiding the question. Lync touched his ears. Why did he get a mad genetic scientist for a father? "No he is at work, of course. I would offer you something to drink, but all we have is spoiled milk," Lync said, waiting to see why his friend is here. James laughed at this, “No, I’m not thirsty. I was actually sent here to check up on a certain project you have been working on,†Lync’s pale face seemed to go white. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, James,†Lync replied. “Do not play games with me. They know you have been working on something, Lync. They sent me here to find out what it was,†James said calmly. “I would not still be here waiting for you if I found it, but apparently I haven’t so now I’m just curious to what you have been up to.†Lync thought this through. Should he tell the Agent? No, because they won’t believe me and then not let me out of their sight. Instead, I will tell a small lie, “Just a computer game, is all. I decided to take a break from designing high tech weapons for the government. If that is all, I must be getting back to my work.†After James left, Lync went up to his room and locked the door. He sighed and sat down at his desk. I have to go in tonight, or they will find out about what I am doing. Lync checked his watch and it read 6:00pm. He decided he will enter Cyber World in one hour. Just hope I can complete the mission assigned to me.
Great poem! I realy enjoyed it. :D Any poem I write turns out to be a childish kind of poem so I stick to writing stories. Not very good at that either, though. It is a great talent to write a poem and express what you feel, and then have other people go, "I know exactly what you mean and I can relate to that." Keep on writing!:)
Zexion laughed. "Well don't rot your teeth trying to win a contest," He paused."When you your think we will be able to go in?"
OOC: I can start. This is my first time starting an rp so tell if it's bad or unsuitable. :D BIC: Lync sat on his bed putting the finishing touches on his new program he had made. "This will be great to go into Cyber World with," He thought. It had been a month since Lync received the SOS from the virtual world and he wanted to make sure his program was perfect before he went in. He was pondering on what to call it, though. The name he already picked out was too long so he wanted to shorten it somehow. "I know!" Lync exclaimed out loud. "I will call it A.B.A.S., which stands for Automatic Bow and Arrow + Sword, of course." His pale hand gripped the weapon. Suddenly he realized the sunlight streaming through the window of his bedroom. Lync groaned. Another all-nighter. This was really bad for his health. Not like his dad cares. The closest thing he had to a family was his co-workers. "My dad won't notice that I have gone, but my boss and co-workers will. This is why I'm leaving tonight," Lync thought. He decided to go downstairs and find something to eat, but all the refrigerator had in it was spoiled milk and test tubes with a strange substance in them. Lync scowled as he put on a jacket and stepped out the door. He hated buying groceries, but someone had to do it. He sat down on the bench at the bus stop. When the bus finally came, though, Lync was sound asleep on the bench, exhausted from all his work.
Zexion stood there waiting for the gates to open. "It is almost time,"He thought.
I like it! Too bad I'm not in charge of this rp, though, so I can't say if you can join or not, but I like your idea!:D I'm still waiting to be added too. This rp sounds fun! I would also like to be notified when we start.
ya, I'm waiting to be added. Are you going to join?