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  1. Zexion13

    Thanks for telling me! :)

    Ya, I was also wondering about why his book was so secret too.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Zexion13
    Zexion stared ahead of him. All that chocolate....and candy, wow! Zexion was about to go in, but realized he forgot introductions.

    "Hello, Mr. Wonka. My name is Zexion. I am Number Six in the Organization XIII. Has anyone told you this before, but you smell strongly of chocolate."

    Zexion wrinkled his nose. He liked chocolate, but the scent was almost overpowering. At least I can't smell Saix through this anymore.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Zexion13
    Lync saw a person walkingup ahead. He wearily made his way towards the stranger. Lync gripped his sword tightly as he walked. When he was within earshot, Lync stopped.

    "Hello. My name is Lync. What is yours?"
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Zexion13
    OOC: Zexion went to the library. Did Xaldin follow him?

    BIC: "Nah, this is the wrong book," Zexion mumbled. He started to to walk down a row of books. "This is going to take a while," Zexion whispered to himself.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Zexion13
    I'm glad I'm here too! :)

    How is everyone?

    Sorry have to go!
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Zexion13
    Zexion waited for a response, "If anybody wants to come look for a cure with me in the library then just follow me, if not then good luck."

    Zexion walked through the portal and into the library. I better get started. Zexion sneezed and there was a flash of light. A copy of himself appeared before him.

    I hate this cold. Zexion picked up a book and chucked it at the copy. It hit the Zexion copy right in the head and it disappeared. Zexion picked up the book and started to flip through it. This looks interesting...
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Zexion13
    Hiya! It's me! I'm Here!


    CtR, What are you eating?
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Zexion13
    What is a war fan? I feel stupid asking that, but I haven't the slightest clue on what they are.

    Off Topic: Thanks!:D I like my avy, too! I also like your sig, it made me laugh because that is so much like Ed!:p
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Zexion13
    Zexion blinked. She is really mad. Maybe he should quietly slip out of the room. What is happening? Why are we even sick? Zexion decided to go check the library before he sneezes again. A portal of darkness appeared in front of him, but before he stepped through, he turned to the other members.

    "Does anybody want to help me research to find a cure for our colds?"
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Zexion13
    Wow! Your story is great so far! I can't wait until the next chapter! It is a little fast-pased, though. Hate and luv the cliffhangers at the same time! :)
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Zexion13
    OOC: I'm not so sure about that
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Zexion13
    I already knew this, but when I first found out that his weapon was a book, I was like, "wha-?" Zexion is still my favorite character, though (surprise, surprise:rolleyes:). I guess the book kinda suits him. What other weapon would suit him?
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. Zexion13
    OOC: I didn't even notice that happened. I better read more carefully. No serious damage done, though. :rolleyes:

    BIC: The copy stood over Zexion menacingly while he flipped through his book. Zexion looked up. He sneezed. The copy disappeared. Well, at least it's gone, but if the only way I can get rid of it is sneezing, then I have no chance. Zexion sighed and got up from the floor.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Zexion13
    Zexion was about to help Roxas up when the copy tripped him. He fell to the floor beside Roxas.

    "I hate these stupid copies!" Zexion lost all composure. He got up and lunged at the copy. Zexion missed and was on the floor once again. He relaxed a little bit. Zexion took out his book and started to flip through it. If I can't control these copies, then there must be something else I can do.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Zexion13
    OOC: well, we can't really play other peoples' characters, so I'm not sure what we could do. We can't really drag Willy Wonka around since he is the one who is giving the tour. Do you have any suggestions?
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Zexion13
    OOC: Is he even online?

    BIC: Zexion looked to see who was beside Valerie and was surprised on how funny he looked.

    "He wears....interesting...clothes," Zexion said.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Zexion13
    Zexion laughed. Valerie's face was priceless. Whoever this guy is, he has a great sense of humour.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Zexion13
    Zexion's mood had not improved (which is strange since he can't feel) and now everybody has a cold. He scowled. Then he sneezed. There was a flash of light and a copy of Xigbar appeared. Zexion's scowl deepened.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Zexion13
    Zexion was getting mad. Everyone was sick, and he couldn't think of anything for a cure. I hate this cold!
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Zexion13
    OOC: Who is Willy Wonka?

    BIC: There was smoke everywhere. Zexion couldn't see anything, but he smelled a new person present. Hmm...This person smells like chocolate...
    Post by: Zexion13, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home